Rules for washing a leather jacket

how to wash a leather jacketLeather outerwear looks attractive and provides excellent protection from snow, rain and wind. But in order for a leather jacket to last as long as possible, it needs to be properly cared for. That is why many people ask, is it possible to wash such a jacket in the machine? Until now, most people only wiped such products with a cloth or sent them to dry cleaning.

Is it worth washing leather in an automatic machine?

Leather jackets differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the quality of the leather from which they are made. It can be natural, artificial or modern eco-leather. Moreover, each of them is afraid of moisture to varying degrees. Leather products become deformed after prolonged contact with water. Real leather can stretch and crack, and faux leather can lose to wash a leather jacket

That's why, The answer to the question whether it is possible to wash leather in an automatic machine is unequivocal - NO! However, even despite such compelling arguments, there are craftsmen who wash leather items in a machine. According to them, you can wash a too dirty jacket in the machine by following these rules:

  • select only program "Delicate wash", if not available, use the “Washing Wool” program;
  • If you can select the temperature, manually set no more than 300C and the number of revolutions during spinning is no more than 400;
  • for washing, use only liquid powder, even better if it is powder for wool clothes;
  • After machine washing, the product should be dried on wide hangers in a well-ventilated area;
  • After drying, wipe the leather jacket with glycerin, which will give it a natural look.

Attention! If you dare to wash a leather product in an automatic machine, then try it on old things that you wouldn’t mind throwing away after an unsuccessful experiment.

Cleaning your jacket correctly

The best way to make your leather jacket attractive and well-groomed is to clean it regularly.. If dirt or stains appear on any part of the jacket, they must be removed immediately. The faster this is done, the less dirt will be absorbed into the skin. Dust or minor dirt can be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth, well wrung out of water. You can add a little liquid powder if you were unable to remove the stain the first time. Just don't get your skin too to wash a leather jacket

In addition to the top of the jacket, the lining of the product also requires cleaning. If the lining is detachable, then that’s just great, so it can be washed entirely. This must be done manually at a water temperature of no more than 40 0With the addition of liquid detergent, as it rinses better.

If the lining does not come off, then you need to turn the jacket inside out, and, moving the material away from the skin as much as possible, wash the lining by hand. You can also use detergent by adding a small amount of it to the water. After washing the lining, you need to thoroughly dry the jacket inside out.

Important! The jacket is cleaned only when necessary, and the lining is washed no more than once a month, provided that the item is worn frequently.

Methods for removing stains

In the event that a stain appears on the surface of a leather jacket, a damp cloth is not enough; you will have to use various means. You can also use special sponges for leather that will not damage the product.

Transparent shoe polish helps with scuffs on your jacket. Typically, such abrasions appear on the elbows, on the shoulder of the bag, on the cuffs and collar. It is better to wipe scuffs on the collar and cuffs with fresh orange peel rather than with cream, which can stain your hands.

A paste made from beeswax (9 g), turpentine (16 ml), and potassium carbonate (1.5 g) also helps against abrasions. The mixture of these components is heated to a temperature of 60-700C, then add 40 ml of water. Before application, the composition must be cooled. A mixture of yolk and milk will help restore white skin to purity. Scrub contaminated areas with this mixture.

Be careful when using folk remedies for stains; first test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product how the product acts on the skin.

These methods will help you remove grease stains.

  • A mixture of starch, chalk and baby powder should be applied to the dirt for 30-40 minutes, and then brushed.
  • You can remove old stains with Fairy or other dishwashing gel. It is necessary to apply the product to the skin with a sponge, wait a little for the substance to break down the particles of the greasy stain, and then remove the product with a damp cloth.
  • Starch gruel removes oil from the skin well. Leave the pulp for 20-25 minutes, then remove and wipe the area of ​​the product with gasoline.
  • To remove grease from the surface of a leather product, you can use a cloth for cleaning computer monitors. These wipes are impregnated with a substance that breaks down fat.
  • You can remove fat stains with special skin products. This is a spray and wipes. However, they are powerless against stubborn stains, so in this case you should think about professional dry cleaning.

Important! Table salt absorbs fat well, but it cannot be used on leather, since removing crystals from the surface of the product can leave scratches.

A few more tips

Leather JacketIn conclusion, we offer a few more tips that will help keep your leather jacket looking neat and avoid dry cleaning.

  • It is not recommended to store leather in places with high humidity;
  • If the jacket gets wet in the rain or snow, be sure to wipe it with a dry cloth and dry the product well. Do not forget to remove everything from your pockets, because under the weight of objects, a wet product will stretch;
  • Once a week, inspect the jacket for stains and, if necessary, wipe it with a slightly damp cloth;
  • Do not dry leather products near heating appliances or in direct sunlight.

By following these rules, you will have to wash and clean your favorite leather product much less often.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Experimenter Experimenter:

    Well, let’s take a chance :) The jacket is still old. Thanks for the recommendations!

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