All about washing machines

Overview of odorless laundry detergents

odorless powderVery often, housewives share their opinions on the forums about washing powders. One of the minuses of washing powders for a machine is a pungent smell. Most people don’t like this smell, and some people are allergic. And therefore there is a need to look for a powder that does not have a smell. We will try to find such powders, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Pay attention to the composition

When buying odorless washing powder, first of all, you need to pay attention not to the brand and manufacturer, but to its composition. The list of substances included in the detergent is usually written in small letters on the back of the package. Do not be too lazy to read everything in full, especially if you are looking for a powder without aroma. Various reasons can make you look for such a powder, for example:

  • pregnancy or childbirth, you try to protect the baby as much as possible from harmful chemicals and smells;
  • allergies or severe itching of the skin;
  • Do not like the sharp smells of chemistry, which do not disappear for a long time;
  • pets have an allergy and sneezing.

Whatever makes you refuse the usual washing powder, you will have to try in search of what suits you. So, to understand that the powder does not smell until they wash the laundry is quite difficult. But, nevertheless, it is possible to exclude all pungent odors and flavors if we turn to its composition.

The composition should not be aggressive flavorings, pronounced fragrances. Most often, such a composition is possessed by environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic powders, but not all.

Advantages and disadvantages

Washing hypoallergenic powders have several advantages over conventional powders. These are the pluses:

  • do not include synthetic aromatic substances that cause allergies;
  • most powders contain natural ingredients;
  • they can be used both for washing adult clothes, and for washing children's;

    If enzymes are present in the composition, it is forbidden to wash wool products.

  • work mainly at a temperature of 40-65 degrees;
  • economically consumed, as they are most often concentrated.

The disadvantage of such powders is that the price per pack, despite the economical expense, seems to many overpriced. Not everyone can afford to buy such a tool. In addition, due to the lack of phosphates and sometimes enzymes in the composition, the powder does not wash off all the contaminants as effectively as we would like.

Product Overview

Pure Water is an odorless Russian-made powder. And indeed, there are no fragrances in its composition, there are only: zeolites, coconut oil salts, baking soda, sodium citrate, citric acid and sodium metasilicate. Such a mixture is practically odorless, but there is a distant smell of clay, perhaps it is the smell of not very safe zeolites, but, fortunately, it is barely perceptible.

Pur water

Bio Mio is another powder from a Russian manufacturer. There are also no fragrances in its composition, and therefore it does not have a pungent odor. You will see the full composition in the photo below. Washing with such a powder is liked by many housewives who have tried it. This tool is concentrated, consumed sparingly.

Bio mio

Ecover - washing powder manufactured in Belgium, does not contain substances from petroleum products. The composition of the powder is environmentally friendly and suitable for washing items from any fabrics except wool. It is impossible to say that this powder does not smell, but this smell is hardly perceptible, unsharp. The powder copes well with dirt.


Babyline is an odorless baby powder and all thanks to its natural composition. Powder is made in Germany. This tool gently affects the tissue, rinses well. However, he does not always cope with complex pollution, this is his minus.


LV is a Finnish laundry detergent in an automatic machine.The powder has an environmentally friendly composition, which includes only three components, most importantly there are no fragrances and fragrances. There is no smell from the powder, either before or after washing. Many users like the convenient packaging for pouring powder.

LV powder

Klar is a soap-based powder from Germany. Means more effectively copes with pollution at high temperature. The laundry does not smell after washing, because there are no fragrances in its composition.


Note! We examined many powders of different manufacturers, for example, Burtii, Dalli, Eared nannies. Unfortunately, they contain perfumes.

As you can see, even eco-friendly and hypoallergenic powders can smell. It all depends on the composition, in which there should be no aromatic fragrances. As for all known means, such as Tide, Persil, Ariel, etc. they contain such substances, and therefore many of these powders have long been abandoned. But the choice is yours, you decide whether you like this or that smell or not.


2 reader comments

  1. Gravatar German Hermann:

    Eared nannies are also odorless

    • Gravatar Natalia Natalya:

      Bought Eared Nian, it has a persistent smell!

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