Removing the drum of an Indesit washing machine

Removing the drum on SM IndesitThe need to remove the drum may arise due to the discovery of some malfunction in the washing machine. In most cases, bearings fail, the replacement of which requires certain manipulations with the washing machine drum. You will also have to remove it if foreign objects get between it and the tank, or if the tank itself breaks down. To remove the drum, it is not necessary to call a repairman. You can remove the drum from the Indesit washing machine yourself, without resorting to outside help.

We will carefully prepare for work

Almost every house or apartment has a drawer containing a universal set of tools, used from time to time for small housework. We are talking about tools such as a hammer, screwdrivers with bits of various sizes and types, a screwdriver, pliers, side cutters, hexagons. In addition to the listed tools, you must also prepare a hacksaw for metal.

Parts that need to be replaced should not be purchased in advance before disassembling the washing machine, as you may make a mistake with their markings. It would be much more correct and practical to first remove them, and then buy a replacement.

Having selected all the tools necessary for the work, you should start preparing the machine. The upcoming repair process will take quite a lot of time, so it is better to equip yourself with a full-fledged workplace, where nothing will interfere with the necessary manipulations. It is best to take the washing machine to a garage or other spacious room where the most comfortable conditions for repairs will be provided.

When it is not possible to move the washing machine to a free non-residential space, free up a couple of square meters in the room, cover the floor with fabric, and move the machine and tools to a designated area. When the workplace is completely ready, you can begin the repair process.

First stage of disassembly

Before you begin to disassemble the Indesit machine, you must disconnect it from the power supply. Then you should drain any remaining water that may have remained at the bottom of the tank after washing. To do this, take a container of the required size, place it under the body of the machine and begin to carefully drain the water, first separating the garbage filter. The removed filter must be thoroughly washed, dried and put aside; it must be put back in place only after all work has been completed.

Important! When disconnecting wires or small parts of the unit, be sure to take photographs of the actions performed, this will help to correctly reassemble the washing machine after the repair is completed.

So, to remove the drum from the Indesit washing machine, perform the following sequence of actions.

  1. Remove the top cover of the housing; to do this, unscrew the bolts located on the back wall of the washing machine housing. A simple tip will help you make removal easier: first move the cover back and then pull it up.
    process of removing the top cover
  2. Unscrew all the bolts on the back wall of the case. Unfasten the cover and set it aside.
  3. You will see part of the drum located on the outside. Also in front of you will be the drive mechanism of the machine, namely a pulley with a working belt and an engine.The belt should be disconnected immediately. Having seen rusty stains that come out from the central point of the tank, you can safely state that the oil seal is broken and the bearings are failing.
  4. Proceed to disconnect all cables and wires that are attached to the drum. We are talking about powering the heating element (heating element) and temperature sensor. Be sure to unscrew the bolts used to secure the washer motor.
  5. Unscrew the heater mounting nut, then, using gentle rocking movements, remove the part.
    remove the heating element from the cm
  6. Remove the counterweight. It is located on top of the unit, you will certainly see it after disconnecting the top cover. This part is quite large and is necessary to prevent the machine from “bouncing” during the spin cycle. To remove this element, prepare a hexagon of a suitable size and unscrew all the parts used to secure the counterweight.
  7. Disconnect the wiring and hose leading to it from the pressure switch. Then carefully remove the part from the device.
    turn off the pressure switch
  8. Remove the tray used to load detergents. Then loosen the clamps of the pipes directed to the powder receptacle, remove them and remove the dispenser hopper.
  9. Slowly lower the washer to the right side, look under its bottom. If the bottom is missing, that’s great; when there is a bottom, you’ll have to unscrew it. Remove the screws located on opposite sides of the garbage filter. Then push the snail in which the filter is placed inside the body of the equipment.
  10. Remove the chip with wiring from the pump. After this, you will have to loosen the clamps and remove all the pipes from the surface of the pump. Once this is completed, you can remove the pump itself.
  11. Carefully pull out the engine of the machine; to do this, lower the part back a little and pull it down.
  12. Unscrew the shock absorbers supporting the tank from below.

This completes the first stage of disassembling the washing machine. As a result, you will be able to free the tank and drum and gain free access to them. You can proceed to the next stage of work.

Second stage of disassembly

remove the counterweightsNext, the Indesit machine should be returned to a vertical position and placed on its legs. This must be done very carefully, since the tank and drum are now attached to the body with only two springs. If the control module prevents you from getting the drum, you should remove it. To do this, disconnect the wiring, unscrew the module mounting bolts and remove this element, not forgetting the latches that support it.

To remove the tank and drum assembly, you will have to resort to outside help. Using four hands, remove the mechanism from the shock absorbers and pull the assembly out through the top of the machine.

It seems that you are already at the finish line, but this is not so. One of the most difficult tasks remains - removing the drum from the tank. The whole problem is that the tanks in Indesit washing machines are non-separable. However, even such a nuisance as having a non-separable tank cannot stop us on the path to fixing the washing machine.

It’s not hard to guess why the manufacturer uses solid shells for drums. Firstly, this allows you to save on production costs, and secondly, it is beneficial for the manufacturer to use a non-separable part, since if one of its elements breaks down, the consumer will most likely purchase a new household appliance rather than agree to pay for repairs equivalent to this purchase .

sawing the Indesit tankBut using a little trick, you can cope with the task and remove the drum from the non-separable tank. To do this, the body should be carefully sawn, all the necessary manipulations must be performed, and then glued back together with a special compound.. Here is a step-by-step description of this process:

  • carefully inspect the plastic tank, determine the location of the factory weld. Mark the location of the upcoming sawing. You can make the holes needed for this using a drill with a very thin drill bit;
  • Using a hacksaw, carefully cut the tank body along the marks. Separate the sawn part from the drum;
  • turn the structure over so you will see a wheel connecting all the parts to each other. Removing it will allow you to free the drum from the tank;
  • replace all faulty parts;
  • assemble the disassembled halves of the case, for this you will need silicone sealant. Use it to connect the two sawn parts. Additionally, it is recommended to strengthen this structure with screws.

The main part of the work has been done, now all you have to do is assemble the system into a single whole in reverse order. Carefully fasten all the removed parts, connect the wiring and sensors correctly, photographs taken during the work will help you with this. Of course, the presented process is quite labor-intensive, but by using the instructions described above and carrying out the repair work on your own, you will save a fairly large amount of money on service.


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