All about washing machines

The washing machine switches off immediately after switching on

The washing machine switches off immediately after switching onThe situation when, after loading things into the drum and starting the machine, it automatically turns off, usually causes users to be perplexed and a little panic. The first thing that comes to mind is to restart the machine. By de-energizing the equipment and selecting the washing program again. It is with great regret that we have to admit that such manipulation is useless. Let's figure it out, as a result of which, after turning on, does the machine immediately turn off? How to return the technique to working capacity?

Custom errors

There can be several reasons for the failure of equipment. But all of them are conditionally divided into two categories: breakdowns and user errors in the process of operating the equipment. If it is the mistress’s wrong actions, then eliminating the malfunction will be quite simple. So, what are the main user errors that lead to the self-shutdown of the unit?

  • Exceeding the mass of things allowed by the manufacturer for a one-time loading into the CMA drum. Modern machines are equipped with a useful function - the ability to independently weigh the laundry laid for washing. If the permissible kilograms are exceeded, then the washing machine turns off shortly after turning it on. In some cases, a second before shutdown, the machine will display an error code on the display, that is, it will additionally notify of an overload.shutdown due to drum overload
  • Incorrect washing settings in the selected mode. Sometimes self-shutdown occurs due to a flaw in the firmware of the machine. So, if, when choosing a specific washing program, the user tries to independently change some characteristics, for example, the temperature of water heating or the rotation speed of the drum during the spin cycle, the intellect can regard the entered parameters as unsupported, and turn off the washer. In this case, the device will turn off only after user manipulation. If the equipment stopped working even before setting the mode, this factor has nothing to do with it.
  • Imbalance of laundry in the drum. An important sign of a problem will be the machine’s shutdown, not at the very beginning of operation, but after some time, most often at the spin phase. Things that are scrolled in the drum can go astray in a big ball and lead to an imbalance. Most often, the washing machine simply stops the operation and displays an error code, but in some cases a complete shutdown of the equipment is possible.

If the shutdown of the "home assistant" occurred precisely due to operational errors, then no serious repair by yourself is required. In this case, it is only necessary to eliminate the cause of the malfunction, for example, just load a little less laundry into the drum. It will be much more difficult to fix a breakdown that occurred directly in the equipment system.

Checking a noise filter?

check the network filterWhat to do when custom errors are precisely ruled out by the hostess? If the washer finishes working a couple of seconds after pressing the start button, then it is worth checking the noise filter. To diagnose a part, find it in the housing. The procedure for gaining access to the interference filter will be as follows:

  • disconnect the washing machine, disconnect the hoses from the water supply and sewage;
  • unscrew the bolts and remove the top cover of the machine;
  • looking through the top inside the case, look for the network cable;
  • in the place where the wire fits, find the noise filter.

To conduct element diagnostics, you will need a special device - a multimeter, the device will allow you to measure the voltage in the semiconductor part.

After detecting the interference filter, carefully inspect it. Very often one glance at the capacitor is enough to understand what the reason is in it.The element can give itself out as charred contacts, a burnt smell. If it is not possible to visually detect a filter defect, use a multimeter.

  1. Select the dialer mode on the device.
  2. Attach the tester probes to the contacts of the part.
  3. Fix the voltage at the input and output.
  4. If there are no Volts at the output, the capacitor should be replaced.

Even a person without experience can fix this malfunction of the washing machine. It is necessary to buy a working noise suppression filter, install it in the place of the burned out one, and assemble the machine in the reverse order.

In order not to make a mistake when buying an item for replacement, it is better to go to the store with a failed capacitor. The seller, having inspected the broken part, will help you choose a working interference filter that fully matches the sample.

Perhaps the heater is to blame?

The cause of spontaneous shutdown of equipment is often the heater. It is possible to assume a malfunction of the heating element when, after starting, the washer starts blinking, and after 3-4 seconds it suddenly goes out and turns off. Diagnose the heater using a multimeter.

The first step is to de-energize the equipment and find the location of the heater in the building. Depending on the brand of the washing machine, the heater can be installed in completely different parts of the appliance:

  • Indesit, Ariston, AlGi, Samsung - behind;
  • Bosch, Siemens - in front.

If you don’t have any idea where to look for a heating element, carefully study the connection diagram available in the set of documents for the equipment. If there is no paper from which you can start off in the search, you will have to find its location yourself. First, inspect the back wall of the case, if it is large enough, it is likely that the heater should be sought after it. You can also find a heater by putting the washer on its side and looking inside from below. In this case, it is desirable to have a flashlight on hand to illuminate the inside of the case and quickly stumble upon the mounting location of the heating element.

The easiest way is to unscrew a few bolts and remove the back wall of the case, if there is no heating element behind it, then putting the panel in place will not be difficult.

check the heaterAfter the part is detected, carefully remove it from the housing by disconnecting the power supply wiring and loosening the fixing nut. After that, you need to turn on the multimeter in the resistance measurement mode, set the tester value to 200 Ohm on the tester and attach the probe probes to the TEN contacts. If the water heating element is serviceable, a number equal to the initial resistance will be displayed on the screen. In the case of displaying units, we can talk about a break inside the part. A zero displayed on the display will indicate a short circuit in the heater. In the last two cases, the element will have to be replaced with a working one.

If the initial test did not give a result, the heater should be tested for breakdown. The multimeter is put into buzzer mode, after which one tester probe is leaned against the TEN contact, and the second is applied to the heater body. If the device does not emit extraneous sounds, therefore, the element is fully operational. A specific squeak of the tester signals a breakdown on the case, then the part will have to be replaced.

If the malfunction of the washing machine is not related to the noise suppression filter and the heating element, then there has been a failure in the control of the equipment. Doing it yourself is not worth testing the main control module of the washer, as this can damage the equipment even more. In this case, it is better to entrust the repair of equipment to a qualified craftsman.


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