All about washing machines

We extend the life of the washing machine ourselves!

Washing Machine LifeMost of us, buying household appliances, hope that it will work properly for a long time. Someone is lucky, and they have no problems, but for someone the unit breaks down in the very first years of use. Often people ask: “What is the life of the washing machine?”

A manufacturer and a seller give a guarantee of more than three years in rare cases, and experts agree that the first breakdowns occur after about five years of service. It is impossible to accurately determine the period, because there are many factors that determine the durability of the unit.

What affects the life of the washing machine?

Do you think it’s only the manufacturer’s brand? Whatever the case, reliability and operating time depend on:

  1. The presence of marriage. Unfortunately, even products of expensive popular brands are not immune from this. Of course, you may well be able to return and change such a product, but in order to save time and effort, take a closer look at the condition of the equipment when buying. Marriage can affect the direct operation of equipment both at the very beginning of the service (for the first time of use), and then;
  2. Natural wear. This factor manifests itself after five years, if the machine is often operated;
  3. Inaccurate use. If you turn off the machine while washing, while trying to open the door or turn off the power supply abruptly, this can lead to unpredictable negative consequences;
  4. Force majeure circumstances such as power surges or accidental mechanical damage. Unfortunately, this is impossible to control.

What to do to extend the washing machine? In fact How to fix a washing machineFirst of all, you need to read the instructions that came with the kit. Many people think that they themselves are well versed in management, but in a small book there are big secrets on how to properly take care of technology, which should be avoided when using.

How to fix breakdowns or avoid them?

Of course, a rare owner of a washing machine is engaged in repairing on their own, preferring to entrust this matter to the master. But still you need to know what damage and damage can be caused in order to prevent their occurrence later.

Breakage Possible causes and solutions
Wear parts As a rule, the functional elements of the washing machine wear out, and this happens under the influence of strong vibrations. To reduce their level, it is necessary to put the machine on a flat hard floor so that there are no gaps between the legs and the contact surface. Also, do not stuff the drum with clothes too tightly or put one heavy thing with the lungs - this shifts the center of gravity and leads to vibration.
Clogging The most common reason for this is the ingress of small objects (buttons, zippers, fasteners, coins, pins, etc.) into the drum or filter of the pump. Avoiding the problem is easy, you just need to carefully check your clothes and pockets, fasten buttons and locks before washing. If you diagnosed a drum and a pump for the presence of foreign objects, removed them, and strange noises did not stop during work, then you should call the master.
Combustion element Although experts do not rule out the possibility of wear, the main factor is overheating of the element due to the formation of scale. According to statistics, the heater burns out for about 8 years of service of the washing machine. The only solution in this situation is repair and replacement of the element, which, incidentally, is not so expensive.
Computer crashes Computer malfunctions are usually caused by sudden surges in electricity or a drop in the unit. Few are safe from this. If some buttons stop working, or the screen goes blank for unknown reasons, call the wizard until the system has completely broken down.

Prevention of failures and breakdowns

Of course, the problem does not arise if it is not provoked. To keep the washing machine reliable, follow a few simple rules.

  1. Leave the appliance open so that it dries from the inside after washing. This will prevent the formation of scale and mold;
  2. From time to time, wash the tray for washing powder and other products, as well as the recess for it. There may be traffic jams that interfere with the fence;
  3. Check the hose and drain system regularly for damage and cracks. You should also change them once every few years, since limescale also accumulates inside, which causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and sometimes even contamination of clothing;
  4. Clean the filter at the drain pump. Bad smell often comes from there;
  5. Use a decalcifier once or twice a year or softener to soften hard water with each wash;
  6. Choose a moderate temperature regime, if the quality of washing triple you. There is no need to waste energy, hot water and once again provoke the formation of scale;
  7. Clean with bleach and powder. They can be poured into the drum and run an empty machine. This helps remove bacteria from both the body and the hose.

How to prevent scale formation?

First of all, determine how much the heating element is subject to the accumulation of scale. If you wash in hard water, almost every day, and even at a temperature of 60 degrees, then your unit must be protected like the apple of an eye.

Not sure which water you have? Everything is simple. If the soap is washed off the skin and hair quickly, then the water is hard, because the calcium and magnesium ions contained in it cover and block the soap molecules and prevent it from foaming. If the situation is the opposite, and for a long time you cannot wash the shampoo to the end or rinse your clothes, then you have soft and clean water, which means there is less reason to worry. Want accurate numbers? Contact the organization that supplies your home with water.

The choice of water temperature depends on the type of clothing. Think about how often you need to wash at 60 or 90 degrees? In fact, not so often, except that light underwear. In general, things deteriorate from frequent washes in very hot water. So if you are satisfied with the quality of washing at low temperatures, then there is no point in wasting energy and hot water.

However, the choice of washing powder plays an important role here. If possible, go to the brand more expensive and better, and this will save money on both hot water and new clothes. Try to adhere to a maximum of 60-70 degrees when washing, and then scale will form much less and less.

Scale Powders - Myth or Not?

Scale on the heating element of the washing machineNow more and more often you can see advertisements for a special powder that protects the heating element from scale. The creators argue that only their miracle product will help save the washing machine from imminent death. So does Calgon and other such remedies help?

In fact, their effectiveness is too exaggerated. Firstly, such a powder will not protect against any breakdown (as we already found out, the causes of failures are different) and will not prevent the build-up of scale if it has already begun to settle on the heater. Secondly, it does not completely dissolve scale, but only prevents its formation, softening the water.

It turns out that if the heater has already grown a decent layer of scale in a few years, then it is better not to start using such a powder at all. Yes, and simple cleaning of the element will cost much less.

Calgon is really a way to extend the life of the washing machine for someone who is willing to fork out. In fact, many other high-quality washing powders already include a water softener, albeit in a smaller amount.

There is such a thing as anti-scale, which is specially created for the total cleansing of scale from the heater and the walls of the drum.They put it in a tray, start an empty car for a short time at a temperature of 90 degrees. This procedure is done 1-2 times a year, the main thing is to choose the appropriate type of product. Is it worth it to spend money on a separate product for each wash, of course, you decide.


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