All about washing machines

What to do if mold appears in the washing machine?

Mold in the washing machineThe presence of a washing machine does not surprise anyone. It is very convenient and comfortable to use, washing does not take much time, unlike using a simple machine, but troubles can also await. If suddenly pulled by musty and damp, dark spots formed on the seal ring, it means that black mold has started in the washing machine and you need to immediately take measures before it spreads throughout the unit. If its spread is hard to launch, you may need to change some details.

Many housewives would like to know how to clean the washing machine from mold and what contributes to its appearance, and this:

  • warm air;
  • excess moisture;
  • non-ventilated room.

Her disputes can spread in very significant quantities in the air of an apartment or house. Breathing them, people with weakened immunity can suffer from frequent headaches, and can acquire chronic diseases, up to bronchial asthma. To clean the washing machine from this infection is simply necessary.

Causes of mold and ways to prevent

It smells of mold from the washing machineThe nature of mold has nothing to do with animals or plants - it is a mushroom and, in order not to plunge into the problem of how to clean the washing machine from a fungus, you need to know why it appears.

Mold can appear when washing at low temperatures, using detergent without bleaches, with frequent use of rinses. If the scale is not removed, the mold will certainly be where it is. High temperatures (over 60 * C) disinfect the machine, which does not occur at low temperatures.

Bleaches contain chemically active substances that prevent the appearance of fungus. The fabric softener, which is used during rinsing, can leave mucous deposits on the walls of the drum - fertile soil for mold spores. Cleaning the washing machine from mold, if disputes appeared, hot water is useless, they are no longer afraid of it. Heat and dampness are the most favorable conditions for the growth of mold colonies and to prevent this, drastic measures will be required.

In order not to look for information on how to clean the washing machine, it is necessary to adhere to the simplest rules for caring for it and those who observe them do not encounter this problem. From time to time it is required to clean the scale.

If there is mold, things will get an unpleasant odor, people's health will be at risk. When a fungus appears, you should not despair, but you should prepare for a long struggle with it. To remove mold from the washing "assistant" will require patience.

Some preventative measures can help to avoid this infection:

  1. After washing, no water should remain in the drum, wipe the walls and the o-ring dry.
  2. Use the recommended washing powder, helium products, if used excessively, settle on the walls of the drum and contribute to the appearance of the fungus.
  3. Mold in the washing machine will not start (possibly), if the tray for washing powder and the door are kept ajar, if the machine is in the bathroom, strengthen the ventilation of the room.
  4. A dark room increases the likelihood of a fungus, it is better to keep the machine in the kitchen.
  5. Water from a sink in the kitchen should not get into the machine.

Effective anti-mold measures

Washing machine drumThe appearance of spores of the fungus is easier to prevent than to deal with them. Cleaning the washing machine from mold requires drastic measures. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Mold does not like dryness, high temperature and does not withstand the effects of acids. It appears not only on the o-ring and on the inner walls of the drum, but also on external and inaccessible places.Therefore, one should not calm down after the first attempt, if she is gone in visible places, she can return.

So, how to clean the washing machine, if there is a spore of fungus, there are several simple but effective ways:

  1. Regularly use the washing mode with boiling, the high temperature of the wash will kill the spores in the bud and prevent them from breeding.
  2. Helium-based detergents should not be abused; their sediment may contribute to the appearance of fungal spores.
  3. Soda will help get rid of mold if mixed with water (1: 1) and regularly wipe the inside of the machine.
  4. The task - how to remove mold, is effectively solved with the help of citric acid, when filling it instead of powders for a long wash at a temperature of at least 60 degrees (every 3-6 months).
  5. Cleaning will be more effective if you add a glass of bleach to citric acid directly in the drum.
  6. Wipe the o-ring with copper sulfate solution and leave for a day, then rinse.
  7. White vinegar will help to solve the problem.

Knowing how to prevent mold and how to deal with it, the task of how to remove mold in a washing machine will no longer seem so insoluble. It should be remembered that preventing the appearance of a fungus is easier than getting rid of it. Systematic cleaning of the filter and hoses should not be neglected; mold spores can settle there. The powder tray, after each wash, is best removed and dried.


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