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Reviews of the eared nannies washing powder

eared nanny powder reviewsSuper popular powder for children Eared nannies, has recently been harshly criticized by the media. In particular, several reports on the dangers of this powder were published on popular Russian television channels, supposedly it cannot be used at all for washing children's clothes. How true these statements are, users, young moms and dads who wash their own children's clothes every day will help.


Albina, St. Petersburg

About washing powder Eared nannies reviews of people were enthusiastic. They then pushed me a few years ago to start washing their things with my six-month-old son. At first everything was fine, the powder washes away stains, had no pungent odor, and I was sure that this was the safest tool for children. However, after a couple of months, my baby had tiny pink spots on the handles and ribs. At first I did not attach any importance to this, but the spots soon began to grow and appear on other parts of the body.

Contacted a doctor who said it was an allergy. It was not necessary to find out the source for a long time, everything indicated a detergent. I just could not believe it, because it is written that the Eared Nanny hypoallergenic baby washing powderbut the facts are there. She stopped washing the baby’s things with this powder, the allergy stopped manifesting. Having told our local doctor that the Eared Nanny powder became the cause of the allergy, I was surprised at his reaction, because the doctor was not at all surprised. He, in turn, told me that this is the fourth case at our site over the past year and advised him not to use this powder anymore.

According to the doctor in our area there was a case of a very severe allergic reaction to the powder Eared nannies, the child almost suffocated.

The fact that baby powder causes allergies is terrible, because any means for young children should be the standard of naturalness and safety. Now I tell this story to all my friends and warn against using the Eared Nanny powder.

Kelvin, Khabarovsk

Powder Eared nannies is not suitable for children's things, like any other cheap powder with a similar chemical composition. Children's skin can “tolerate” painlessly only soap, and even then not all, therefore any powder is a potential allergen. I am the father of three children, so I know what I'm talking about, for washing children's clothes you can use only powder based on laundry soap or one that rinses well from the laundry.

At first, I also bothered with the choice of powder for children, bought expensive overseas based on soap. Then I got smarter, quit this venture and started using the usual powder for adult clothes, just chose the one that is better rinsed. While washing children's clothes, I put a double rinse and no problems. I also tried eared nannies, washed them even a couple of times, but he doesn’t rinse out of linen well, even after triple rinsing, it’s not that double. So I do not recommend Eared Nannies even for adult clothes, not that for children.

Olga, Barnauleared-babysitter lineup

Big-eared nannies, my girlfriends, “experienced moms”, began to praise when my first child was born. Naturally, I tried and eventually returned the pack I started, because I did not like the powder categorically.

  1. He smelled too harsh, and this hints at the presence of harmful chemistry.
  2. Launched very poorly. Stains from fruit juice, ink and others remained in place.
  3. It was poorly dissolved in water, and this is generally no good.

Powder Eared nannies are very advertised, apparently manufacturers, instead of making a quality product, spent money on advertising. In no case do not buy this rubbish, take care of the health of your children.


Regina, Pskov

I am an allergic person with experience, I have been suffering for 20 years. The worst response is to perfume and household chemicals, so choosing a normal washing powder is a big problem for me. She chose the eared nanny because it is intended for small children, and besides, the “hypoallergenic” word is directly written on the pack". I have been washing my clothes with this powder in the washing machine for the third year now and there is no allergy, I am very pleased. I rate the powder on a solid five and recommend it to everyone.

Before the Big-eared nanny, I washed things with Tide, so my skin on my body was covered with scabs. With Eared nanny not a single speck.

Olesya, Iskitim city

I don’t even remember when I first tried the Eared Nanny powder. My choice was determined by the price and fame of the brand, it seemed to me that this powder does not strain the family budget, and it is safe enough and well launders clothes. I have two children, so I only wash their clothes with a Big-eared nanny. I have been doing this for a long time, about 4 years and everything is absolutely normal. Recently I saw on TV that the Eared Nanny is unhealthy, that it causes allergies.

I think this is not true, most likely competitors ordered the transfer in order to oust this brand from the market. In any case, I used, use and will use this powder, since it completely suits me. Do not believe the tales of the television people, they also often turn out to be wrong.

Serebrina, Vladimir

I am the mother of the two most beautiful twins in the world. My boys are the main joy in life. I wash their little things exclusively with powder Eared nannies, I don’t recognize anything else. After the Big-eared nanny, the linen smells nice, and it launders even better than adult powders. I read on the Internet that he allegedly causes allergies. I don’t believe in it too much, especially since my boys feel great, and I won’t program space for negatives, and I don’t advise you.

Kiss22, Hot Keypowder and stain remover

Of all the baby powders, I like Eared Nannies the most. He has a lot of pluses, the main thing is that he erases even the most old spots without completely soaking. I did not believe in it until I tried to remove the daughter’s panties with this powder, which she spoiled with berries stains. The dried up stains fell off in a swoop. Since then I have been washing Ushasty with a nanny even our clothes with my husband, in our opinion this is the best powder in this price category.

Irina, Dzerzhinsk

I have known Mark Ushasty Nannies for a long time and use the entire line of products, I especially like washing powder. I immediately take a large package, it turns out very economically. At first I washed only baby clothes with such a powder, but gradually I began to wash them all in a row. Now, it turns out that my whole family is fans of this powder, in any case, no one complains.

Tatyana, Kazan

I’ve been conducting experiments with powders for a long time, and as a daughter, I started to do this with a vengeance, because I had to look for a good baby powder. What laundry detergents I just have not tried, a total of 3 dozen different powders and gels and nothing suits. Basically, one problem is either the powder is too harmful or it does not wash well. A more or less ideal ratio of harmfulness and quality of washing is Eared Nanny powder. I switched to it a couple of years ago, because it is well washed:

  • stains from fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • stains from grass and earth;
  • spots of fat, oil and other things;
  • blood stains;
  • traces of sweat, deodorant.

The eared nanny has a less pronounced chemical smell than other powders, which indicates a small amount of harmful components, in any case, it feels like this.

With an eared nanny, I erase everything. I put it 1/3 less than normal, just by experience I was able to find the ideal proportion of 3-4 kg of laundry, which I constantly put in the drum of the washer. Of course, everyone chooses the powder for himself, but I’m unlikely to already wash things with something else.It took too much money for a variety of expensive and cheap powders.


Svetlana, Kansk

I tried the powder Eared Nanny 2 years ago, even before the birth of Arishenka and I really liked it. The linen after this powder is very soft, delicate and smells pleasant, and it cleans a wide variety of spots better than the vaunted Ariel or Persil. Before, before putting very dirty laundry into the washing machine, I pre-soaked it in a basin, since there is no function of pre-soaking in the machine. With the Eared Nanny, I forgot about this, because he copes with many spots without soaking.

In the past 5 months I have become a little cooler with this powder, as it turned out that they can’t wash children's clothes. It is very strange, it is stated that the powder is hypoallergenic for children's things, and in fact, the child got an allergy after washing. Now I have two kinds of powder, Eared nannies for me, mom and spouse, and for Arishenka I buy Garden Kids.

Eugene, Mariinskeconomical packaging

Mom praised me the eared nanny powder. I bought, washed my things, everything was washed away as usual, nothing special. For the price it is about the same as my everyday powder, so I will sometimes use it. The last time I had to buy it, because there was nothing else in the store nearby. Conclusion: I do not share my mother’s enthusiasm, the most ordinary powder is not bad, but not good either.

MOTHER, Mtsensk

Feces and urine from the linen of the baby perfectly wash the powder Eared nannies. I started with it, then I tried Aistenok powder. It turns out that he perfectly cleans everything and is safe for children, now I take it because it is cheaper. Big-eared nannies are good, but too well-known, therefore they are expensive, and I don’t want to pay for a well-known brand. In general, the Eared Nannies is a normal powder, but I will buy it only as a last resort, if there is nothing cheaper.

In conclusion, Eared Nannies are a very famous washing powder. It can be found almost everywhere, it is not surprising that the Internet is full of reviews about it. In general, despite the powerful anti-advertising on the part of television, users treat the Ushasty nanny not bad, but there are many opponents who allow themselves very harsh statements. We hope that the powder manufacturer will heed the opinions of users and improve the composition of the product, make it less harmful to children's skin, so as not to give ground to bullying by negative buyers.


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