TcL error on LG washing machine

TcL error on LG washing machineSurely every user of a washing machine knows that there are some error codes that indicate a particular problem in the unit. As a rule, the meanings of the codes are either similar to each other or obvious, but sometimes the LG washing machine displays a tcL error. Quite a strange code, isn't it? What this is and what it means – you definitely need to find out, because sometimes even completely new SMs give an error.

The meaning of this code

Housewives never tire of mentioning that this code does not disappear from the display even after rebooting the washing machine. But it turns out that it does not mean a breakdown at all. This is rather an informational message, which stands for Tub Clean, in Russian, cleaning the drum. In other words, the machine notifies the user that it is desirable to start the function of cleaning the insides of the unit. All LG washing machines are equipped with this option.

To get rid of the code on the display, you just need to press the corresponding “Drum Cleaning” button and wait until the program ends. Immediately after this, the error will disappear for a while.

What is this mode for?

Any SM operating manual states that the insides of the unit must be periodically subjected to serious washing: pipes, tank, drum. In hard water conditions, limescale deposits on the surface of parts and scale forms. This layer simply clogs the elements and prevents them from working normally, as everyone knows. However, many users either do not notice that it is time to fix the machine, or constantly put it off, or simply forget. The Drum Clean option on LG machines solves this problem.

What is the program? In essence, this is the same washing mode at high temperatures, only the rotation speed of the drum is several times higher, as is the amount of water in it. As a result of this “washing”, all debris, including detergent residues, come out of the unit and do not settle inside.

The question remains whether it is necessary to add detergent. In general, manufacturers are silent about this need, but experience shows that in regions with hard water it is still advisable to add some kind of anti-scale agent to the tray: it certainly won’t make things worse.

We carry out cleaning

how to activate drum cleaning Not all LG machines have the same algorithm for starting the drum cleaning program. Pay attention to the first letters of your model name. If this is FH*******, then when the tcL error code appears on the display, you just need to hold down the “Start/Pause” key, the repair will start automatically. What to do with other units in the series?

  1. Start the washing machine as usual.
  2. Press and hold the “Drum Cleaning” key, or simultaneously hold down two buttons with the image *. As a rule, they are called “Intense” and “No Crease”, but it is quite possible that they are different.
  3. After this, an error code will appear on the display.
  4. Press the "Start/Pause" button.

Attention! If you just want to get rid of the code but not do any cleanup, you can start the process and then abort it immediately. But don’t forget to resume the procedure later! Even if the SM does not show an error code, this does not mean that it does not need to solve the problem.

We return the machine to functionality

If you do not take any action, the tcL error code can appear on the display endlessly. Let’s stop again and consider two options for how to correct the situation:

  • you click on the Start button and begin the cleaning process.Tub Clean recommended doing this every 30 cycles.
  • you start the program, but immediately turn off the machine by pressing the power button.

Important! Sometimes restarting the washer does not help clear the tcL error code. In this case, the situation can be easily corrected: turn off the power supply for 5-10 minutes.

When restarted, the display will be clear, but the code will soon return if cleaning is not carried out.


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