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How to wash a fleece blanket in a washing machine

blanketWith proper care of the blanket and regular washing of the duvet cover, the need to wash the entire wool blanket may not arise. But if it smells of damp, serious impurities have appeared on it, then it must be refreshed. However, the question arises, how to wash a fleece blanket, is it possible to do this using a washing machine? Let's try to figure it out.

Wash or not wash?

During operation, dust settles on this bedding, human sweat is absorbed into the blanket, so sooner or later the wool product will need to be washed. All such blankets look different, all because they are made using various technologies. And the ability of the blanket to tolerate washing will depend on what method of processing and tailoring was applied.

The following types of blankets are made from sheep’s wool:

  • quilted - in such blankets, the wool fabric is placed in a fabric cover, and then sewn with a special stitch over the entire surface of the blanket. This method of sewing does not allow the wool to stray into lumps. Therefore, manufacturers allow washing not only hand, but also in the car;
  • whole-woven fabrics are blankets that are a single piece of fabric, strong enough, but not thick. One-piece blankets are recommended to be cleaned, in extreme cases, washed by hand;
  • fur - these are those blankets in which fibers of sheep wool are fixed on one or two sides of the fabric, which makes it voluminous and attractively fluffy. It is forbidden to wash such blankets, but you can dry clean them.

wool blankets

Important! To make sure that you can or cannot wash a sheep’s blanket, read the label with the notation. In addition to information about washing, you will also find out whether the blanket can be wrung out, dried and bleached.

Washing rules

You can wash a blanket made of wool either manually or in an automatic washing machine. If automatic washing is acceptable, then check that the blanket fits freely in the drum of your washing machine. If it is difficult to fit in a car, then it is better to refuse such washing, so as not to overload the equipment. For the best washing result, the machine should have a load of at least 6 kg. And even in this case, it is worth checking whether a double blanket will enter it.

machine wash blanketsSo, to wash this bedding in an automatic washing machine, you must:

  1. load the blanket;
  2. pour gel into the cuvette, designed specifically to wash the woolen things;
  3. choose a washing program called “Wool”, checking that the machine does not heat water more than 30 degrees;
  4. cut the spin;
  5. start the wash.

Note! If the blanket is large, then it is necessary to turn off the spin, because the wet blanket is too heavy, an overload or imbalance can occur, the machine will not squeeze it.

After the washing machine stops, you can let the blanket lie down for several minutes in the drum, so that part of the glass water is in the tank. Then get it out, spread it and hang it to dry, turning it over during the drying process. Drying is best done outdoors in the shade, so that direct sunlight does not fall on the product.

When machine wash is prohibited, the blanket must be washed by hand. Do this procedure in the bathroom, gaining a lot of cool water, because a blanket made of wool absorbs a lot of water, unlike holofiber blankets. Hand washing is as follows:

  • a special agent or ordinary shampoo is dissolved in water, whisking the agent well in foam;
  • immerse the product in water and leave it for several minutes;
  • then turn it over, carefully lift and lower it so that dirt and dust come out of the product into the water, but you should not rub the blanket, otherwise it will lose its shape;
  • then rinse the product, changing water several times;
  • drain water from the bathtub and allow water to flow out of the woolen product. In this case, you should not squeeze the item, wrinkle it strongly or twist it;
  • then they are laid out on a dryer in a horizontal position and allowed to dry, when it stops dripping from a blanket, it can be hung on a rope.

Note that this procedure requires physical effort, raising a wet suit is not so easy, and hanging it is even more difficult. You can save yourself from this work if you pass it to dry cleaning. There it is washed and dried, without spoiling the appearance.


In some cases, professional dry cleaning can be replaced with house cleaning. Unlike a full wash, it is easier to carry out. To do this, you need to purchase a gel that contains lanolin. We clean the blanket like this:

  1. in a small amount of water, foam the detergent into a thick foam;
  2. apply foam to contaminated areas;
  3. after a couple of minutes we remove the foam clubs with a clean cloth or sponge;
  4. we dry the blanket in the fresh air.

This procedure will remove the stench, as well as pollution. Of course, if you accidentally spilled a mug of coffee, then it will not be possible to remove the stain, but it is quite possible to refresh the blanket in this way.


To wash such a blanket, you can use only special tools. They usually contain lanolin in their composition - a substance that preserves the structure of wool fibers. Here are some popular tools:

  • Henkel Wool Weasel - A wool wash liquid that maintains softness and airiness, is easily rinsed.
  • Miele Wool Care is a balm for washing wool items from a well-known manufacturer of washing machines. It prevents the rolling of wool fibers, effective for washing in cold water.
  • Vorsinka is an inexpensive liquid product of Russian production, suitable for hand washing, as well as washing in an automatic machine.
  • AlmaWin is a concentrated, plant-based product. It is suitable not only for washing a wool blanket, but also for delicate clothes.
  • Domal - a balm for washing with lanolin.

wool detergents


In conclusion, instructions for washing blankets from sheep’s wool, we will formulate a few rules that you need to remember when caring for your favorite blanket.

  • It is necessary to use a duvet cover for a blanket, to regularly change and wash it.
  • Protect the blanket from dirt, so you will wash the blanket very rarely, which will extend its life.
  • Wash wool products only with special liquid products and shampoos, preferably with the addition of lanolin.
  • Do not iron a wool blanket, this is not necessary.
  • It is not recommended to squeeze a similar thing in a washing machine or centrifuge.
  • Ventilate the blanket more often in the fresh air.fleece blanket
  • Do not dry the blanket on the battery, heater, or under the scorching sun.
  • Do not hang a wet blanket on a rope until water has completely drained from it. Otherwise, it will stretch out a lot.
  • Only wash wool blankets in water 300C, it is better to wash it in cold water than in hot. In hot water, the coat sits.
  • When washing such a thing in a washing machine, you need to fold it into a tube, so it’s better to go into the drum.
  • Do not overload the machine with an extraction, it is better to turn it off.
  • Wiping blankets and other woolen items is best done in clear, dry weather so that items dry faster.


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