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Dishwasher degreaser

Dishwasher degreaserEven with proper care and following all instructions, the active use of the dishwasher leads to the fact that residual fat settles inside the unit. Accumulating, they become a serious threat to the coordinated work of PM. You can clean the machine from the inside manually, but you will have to do it often, and given the expenditure of energy and energy, the work is quite difficult. However, there are special tools - degreasers for dishwashers, which can easily cope with pollution.

What does this tool look like?

The most popular and reputable degreaser - Electrolux is sold in plastic bottles of 200 milliliters each. The cost of such a vessel is approximately 250 rubles in mass-market stores.

The product itself is a white powdery substance with a pleasant floral or fruity aroma. As for the composition, it is not much different from the composition of a conventional detergent: surfactants, 5% polycarboxylates, perfume, etc. The miracle substance Electrolux operates as follows: the powder dissolves in water, forming a special kind of liquid, easily breaking down fat connections. If such a liquid dangles inside the dishwasher, fat has no chance.

How to apply?

One bottle is used for single use, that is, all at once. However, this is not at all unprofitable, since manufacturers recommend repeating the procedure only once every six months, more often it is simply not necessary. Use the product strictly without rinsing. If there is a program that excludes this step, select it, if not, wait until the rinse is over, and only then fill up the degreaser for dishwashers. How to do it?pour the degreaser to the bottom of the PMM

  • The product should not be placed in the powder compartment, but on the bottom of the washing chamber. Thus, the Electrolux will dissolve faster and, accordingly, will penetrate the systems faster and start working.
  • Switch on a high temperature wash program. Desirable from 50 degrees. In general, the higher the better.

Attention! The washing mode time is also desirable to choose the longest. The longer the cleaning takes place, the better the result!

After the end of the washing program you can independently check the result. If the fat remains still not dissolved, perhaps one of the recommendations has been violated. Find out and after a month wash with errors.

The opinion of the hostess

Anna, Belgorod

Before, I had no idea about the existence of a degreaser. I cleaned the insides on my own: once every couple of months I rubbed the camera to a shine, took out all the filters and cleaned them manually, then put everything in place and carried out an empty washing with the usual dishwashing detergent.

When I heard about degreasers for dishwashers, I decided to test whether they are so good. However, I had to work hard to find one, because in our city in household chemical stores this product was not sold. Personally, I found it in an Eldorado household appliance store, where a jar cost 249 rubles.

Now directly about the Electrolux. According to the instructions, pour the contents of the entire container to the bottom of the washing chamber and start a long wash with high temperature. My PM does not have a regimen without preliminary rinsing, so I had to wait until it was completed, and then open the PM and put powder inside, which, in general, is not very convenient.

Important! The cleaning result disappointed me. Yes, the surface of the insides sparkled, but the filters, as they were clogged with grease, remained. Again I had to get them out and clean them by hand.

Thus, I do not see any particular benefit and sense in using a degreaser for dishwashers: in fact, he does not save time, money, or power.


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