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The best children's washing powder

baby powdersWith the birth of a child, all parents think about how to wash children's clothes. The range of powders is too huge, it is hypoallergenic powders, and powders for newborns, and just for children. Which of them is the best, which qualitatively cleans things and least of all causes harm to the child? Answering these questions is not easy, you need to study the composition of the powders, conduct an experiment and wash the contaminated things, and only then draw a conclusion.

Baby Wash Product Requirements

When choosing baby detergent, you need to remember the requirements that apply to baby powder:

  • the absence of phosphates and their substitutes for zeolites, which not only affect the environment, but also the baby’s skin, his immunity, and the work of the excretory system;

    Phosphonates are no less dangerous, and therefore their content in the powder should also be minimal, it is better if they do not exist at all.

  • the absence of surfactants or their reduced amount, surfactants of plant origin are less harmful. Surfactants should not exceed 15% of the total composition of the powder, because they are poorly rinsed from clothes and linen, then getting on the skin of a child;
  • lack of chlorine and bleach with optical particles;
  • natural composition, including vegetable-based soap, soda, soap nut, water, and maybe other harmless components;
  • the presence of the marking “hypoallergenic”, “eco-friendly”, “children's” or “for newborns”, such an inscription most often indicates a safe composition of the powder, although some manufacturers may obscure the aggressive composition of the product;
  • the absence of any pungent odor,
  • washing powder should dissolve well and quickly in water;
  • to qualitatively remove spots of different origin.


Children's detergents are available in bulk and liquid form. The composition of liquid products is generally less aggressive than the composition of bulk powder. In addition, washing powder has a number of differences from the gel for washing:

  1. the gel is better than a powder in water;
  2. water temperature when using the gel should be 30-40 degrees, and it can be washed with powder at a temperature of 30 to 90 degrees, which increases its effectiveness when washing heavily soiled children's clothes;
  3. the powder contains dust particles, which, if it enters the respiratory tract, can cause irritation of the mucosa, leading to sneezing, lacrimation;
  4. it is more convenient to store the gel, it is in a closed plastic container, while the powder can be saturated with moisture, stick together in lumps;
  5. disinfecting components are added to the gels, as well as components that soften children's things.

Note! The content of phosphates and surfactants is also different, usually in gels their concentration is lower.

Selection recommendations

Choosing the best powder for children is not easy. Having come to an online store or an ordinary outlet in your city or village, we will quickly be convinced of this. Even the village general store offers customers several varieties of powder for children, let alone a hypermarket, in which there is so much powder that you can easily drown in it.

Aggressive advertising does not help us at all, rather the opposite. Each manufacturer “pulls the blanket over himself”, strives to prove by all means that his powder is really the most worthy, but in fact it turns out quite the opposite. So it is necessary for the poor consumer by trial and error to look for suitable washing powder for children, risking the health of their loved ones every time.

We are against such a dubious lottery, so we suggest you pay attention to some of the recommendations of experts who will help you choose the best quality powder for newborns and older children.

  1. If you prefer expensive foreign washing powders, beware of fakes. Install a product barcode recognition program on your smartphone.With its help, you can in seconds establish the origin of the powder right in the store.powder composition
  2. Especially do not look at the front side of the packaging for baby powder, there is mainly advertising information, which is not always true. Immediately unfold the packet of powder with the back side and read the composition.
  3. Pay attention to the expiration dates of the powder you choose. Note that the older the powder, the worse it can dissolve in water, and therefore rinse out of the clothes of newborns. The fresher the powder, the better.
  4. Keep the packaging intact, especially soft packaging. Flimsy bags with powder often break, and dirt gets into the powder through the holes, not to mention the fact that quite a large amount of the agent is poured through the hole.

! Dents and heavy scuffs on the box with powder for newborns also say a lot. If you see just such a box in front of you, move it to the side and take another.

  1. See also the country of manufacture of the powder. Please note that children's washing powder from Europe will differ in quality from the domestic one for the better, but it will also cost much more.
  2. Especially do not look at the price of the powder. Just as among the expensive powders quite often there are worthless products, so among the cheap ones, we did not notice any price pattern in this case.
  3. If you take baby powder in soft packaging, test it for large lumps. If there are a lot of lumps in the pack, the product is not fresh, or was stored in violation of the conditions, or both.

Product Overview

We will review various means, clarify their composition and find out the price.

Domal Baby is a German-made washing gel, it contains up to 15% surfactants, soap, up to 5% phosphonates, enzymes, chamomile extract and preservatives. The temperature of the streak with such a tool should not exceed 60 degrees. You can use the product to wash clothes for newborns. An informative label is glued on the bottle. Domal handles stains from baby food, felt-tip pens, blood and vegetable oil. The disadvantage of the gel is that it cannot be washed with wool, in addition, its price is quite high. A bottle of 1.5 liters costs almost 500 rubles.


HAAX Powder - Israeli concentrated laundry detergent for baby clothes. Its composition is more or less safe. Pav contains not more than 15%, there is soap, not more than 5% phosphonates, oxygen-containing bleach, hypoallergenic fragrance. Suitable for washing delicate items, can be used at a temperature of 900. Packaging 3 kg costs about 1100 rubles.


AQA baby - gel for children's underwear and clothes, produced in Russia. It contains less than 10% surfactants, enzymes, water, a preservative and an aromatic perfume composition. In general, the composition is harmless, unless, of course, the child is not allergic. Things after washing with such a gel remain soft, with light impurities it copes perfectly. The price for 1.5 liters is about 300 rubles.


Soap powder "Our Mother" is a washing powder with the most harmless composition, and therefore does not cause allergies in children. The consistency reminds soap shavings. The composition includes: soda, water, titanium dioxide, glycerin. This powder, according to the manufacturer, is intended for hand and machine wash, however, before putting it into the machine, it must be dissolved until gruel forms. This powder washes things well, to enhance the effect, you can soak them for a while with the same powder. The cost of packing 900 g is about 500 rubles.

our mom powder

ROCKET SOAP Powder - Japanese soda based powder. We cannot say for certain what is part of this powder; the label with the translation indicates only the presence of alkyl ether, carbonate and sulfate. The powder is intended for washing children's and underwear, works at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees. It can be used for automatic machine. Things washed by him have no smell. In general, the powder is decent.However, it is very rare in stores and is quite expensive, for 1 kg about 600 rubles.


So, in search of the best baby powder, we came to the conclusion that for each family it is different. We hope you now know what such a powder should be. Powders with an “absolutely” safe composition are rare, maybe in powder rating for newborns You will find one of these. Or maybe their harm is simply exaggerated, and do not go too far? Find a middle ground, choose the product that at a minimum contains the components necessary for washing dirty baby clothes and does not cause allergies in your baby. Have a good shopping!


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