What is the best washing powder - reviews

washing powder reviewsProbably every housewife in the world dreams of “running into” the best washing powder for an automatic washing machine somewhere in a store. So that it washes things perfectly, and does not spoil the fabric, and is used sparingly, but the only problem is, go find such a powder.

Currently, the shelves of household supermarkets are littered with powder of various brands. Even in a “seedy” supermarket you can find 10-15 types. How to find the best powder among such a variety and what needs to be done for this? Only specialists together with consumers can answer these questions, so let's ask their independent opinion.

Rating of the best powders

Not only housewives are actively looking for good powder for automatic washing machines. Our experts have conducted their own tests more than once, and each time the results are different. The last test was the most extensive. About 30 varieties of powders were purchased, with the help of which rags stained with: fruit juice, grease, cosmetics, grass, paint, borscht were washed in a washing machine.

The result was not long in coming, but it was not that it pleased the specialists. As a result, not a single powder dealt with all the stains perfectly. Even though the washing was done in hot water using double rinsing and Fuzzy Logic features. Nevertheless, there are winners in this peculiar race.

  1. Ariel “Mountain Spring” automatic washing machine powder took first place by a small margin.The thing is that it does not wash any type of stain with an “excellent” rating, but on all counts it received a solid four, and this also means a lot.
  2. Second place went to a good powder called BiMax “100 spots”. It did an excellent job with stains from borscht, but it removed stains from cosmetics with a C-minus. On other points, solid fours.
  3. Third place, this time, our experts gave to Tide “Alpine Freshness” automatic washing machine powder. This powder removes grass and grease tolerably well, but other stains are very good, somewhere even close to an A.

Experts noted that Tide “Alpine Freshness” gives things a persistent pleasant smell, which indirectly hints at the presence of a large amount of chemicals.

  1. And finally, fourth place was somehow won by Biolan Color powder. It unexpectedly didn't wash off the makeup well and the paint almost badly. The powder dealt with the rest of the stains “good to excellent.”

We will not publish the remaining points of the rating, and there is no need, since the other samples are far behind the leaders. Our experts, having conducted research, have fully formed an opinion about the washing powders currently sold in stores. But we clearly need to go further here.

After some thought, it was decided to continue studying the quality of the powders. The following was done. We took the powders that were leaders in our rating and collected all consumer reviews on them. Those that we could find. Without the voice of the people, as they say, one cannot be objective. Let's compare the research results of our experts and people's reviews, perhaps we will be able to come to a common denominator on the question: which washing powder for an automatic washing machine is the best?

Ariel Mountain Spring

Yulia Yurievna88

Ariel mountain springThe worst of the expensive powders. It washes children's clothes just horribly; after washing, traces of juice and traces of borscht remained on my son's T-shirt. Ariel “Mountain Spring” powder does not remove even the deodorant stains on my blouse or my husband’s shirt, these stains remained as if the clothes had never been in the washing machine. I bought the powder at a promotion with a good discount, but if I had known in advance how it washes, I would never have spent money on it.

After an unsuccessful attempt to wash things normally with this powder, I decided to try increasing the dose. I poured twice as much powder into the machine's cuvette, threw the clothes in and started the wash. The result was even worse - half of the powder did not dissolve and was not rinsed out of things. I had to re-rinse, but only after three rinses was it possible to completely rid the items of Ariel powder granules. Don't buy this powder - it washes disgustingly!

Sergey Melekhov

I would recommend the normal Ariel “Mountain Spring” powder; I only wash my work overalls with it. Even if you get heavily stained with dirt and oil, you can soak it in a basin for 20 minutes, and then put it in the washing machine - it washes perfectly. Lately, I can’t imagine my bachelor life without an automatic washing machine and Ariel powder. I wash everything with it, from the notorious work overalls to bed linen - this powder has never let me down.

I used to use Tide, in principle it’s also a good powder, but Ariel “Mountain Spring” washes clearly better. In short, I recommend it to everyone, just keep in mind that you can run into a fake. I once accidentally bought a pack of fake Ariel, compared it with the old original pack and found several differences.The quality of the fake did not stand up to criticism, so be careful!

Reviews are the personal opinion of buyers and may not coincide with the point of view of the site administration.


Two months ago I grabbed a pack of this powder in Auchan and was taken in by the low price. Overall I’m happy, I thought it would be worse, because the promotion is unlikely to sell anything good. My old powder did not dissolve well, and its remains were always hanging out in the powder receptacle of the washing machine. Ariel dissolves completely, and I sprinkle it a little less than normal, although the last time my T-shirt, smeared with lipstick, was unexpectedly poorly washed. Overall, I’m very pleased with the powder, I can confidently give it a four rating.

BiMax 100 spots

bimax-100 spotsIrina Emelyanova

In my opinion, it’s a good powder; in any case, it fits well in a washing machine and washes things normally. I bought a pack of BiMax “100 spots” for the first time a year ago, when I went shopping with my neighbor. I thought I’d take Persil out of habit, but in the end, my neighbor talked me into it and I decided to try it.

There is nothing supernatural about this powder, but it washes better than the products I used before. To be honest, I didn’t think about what its composition was, but it removed wine and mustard stains from a kitchen towel perfectly. Now I use two types of powder: more often BiMax and less often Persil. I now recommend BiMax “100 spots” to my friends.


I bought BiMax “100 spots” a year and a half ago along with a Samsung washing machine, when my friend and I moved into a new apartment. I took it at random, without bothering too much, now my wife only uses this powder. I tried both Tide and Ariel, but then I still bought BiMax.The good thing about the powder is that it’s truly universal, no matter what you wash, it’s excellent every time; it turns out that it washes underwear, outerwear, and kitchen towels. Even though I go to the washing machine once every six months, I am still proud that, albeit by accident, I nevertheless introduced my wife to this powder; for us it is the best.

Sergey Sergeevich

I used to think that BiMax was a good powder, but when the opportunity arose to compare it with Ariel, I switched to Ariel. BiMax is a normal powder and, in principle, it suited me until I had to wash my fuel oil pants from work. In short, he didn’t wash anything, he tried to buy Ariel, everything was washed off. Conventionally, you can use BiMax, but for super dirty clothes, take a better powder, but more expensive.

Tide Alpine freshness

Tide powderLorik

For 5 years I have been washing only with Tide, and a couple of years ago I tried Tide “Alpine Freshness” and my delight knew no bounds. Even in cold water, children's clothes and towels can be washed perfectly, and for a family with three small children this is very valuable. If it weren’t for Tide, I don’t know what I would do, because kids produce a huge amount of dirty clothes, I do laundry every day, but still the laundry basket fills up before my eyes. I don’t know about you, but I decided a long time ago which powder is the best - Tide Alpine Fresh.

Serega Vitlitsky

I don’t know with what hands and who makes this powder, but I have never seen such rubbish in my life. I bought it stupidly at a discount, Tide Alpine is fresh, now I don’t know where to put the pack, it seems like a shame to throw it away and I can’t use it. Firstly, this powder stinks of something incomprehensible. They would have written that the powder had the aroma of dead bedbugs, so why mislead the consumer?Secondly, it does not dissolve, or rather, of course it dissolves, but not completely. I absolutely do not recommend this powder to anyone!

Biolan Color


I bought Biolan Color for the first time at my dacha, I have a “decommissioned” washing machine there, so that I can sometimes wash garden things. But in the end, now I use this powder at home. My grandson accidentally spilled fruit juice on the curtains, and we saw it only two days later, but Biolan coped with it. It still surprises me, the powder is cheap, it seems like it should wash worse than expensive ones, but in reality it turns out to be the opposite.


I want to warn people against buying a powder called Biolan Color. I don’t want to say too much, and I certainly don’t want to engage in anti-advertising, but this powder is top-notch disgusting. If I poured hydrochloric acid into the washing machine, the effect would be the same. I only washed my shirt with this powder once and it immediately fell apart, although before that I washed it 5 times with Persil and nothing. Absolutely do not take this powder, it is only suitable for washing sweatshirts!

As you can see, not in all cases consumers agree with our experts about the quality of a particular powder. Therefore, for the sake of objectivity, we will not make final conclusions. You read the article, you draw conclusions, you now have all the necessary information for this, good luck!


4 reader comments

  1. Gravatar Inna Inna:

    Each housewife selects her own powder.And you can buy an excellent product without spending money on expensive ones.

    • Gravatar Marina Marina:

      Powder and stain remover together.

  2. Gravatar Vera Faith:

    I don’t know what powder to use to remove tea, pomegranate juice, and currant stains from white kitchen towels. After washing with any powder (60 degrees), you can wash it a second time and only with bleach (I can say for sure that the powders contain a lot of soda ash). Hence, not all stains are washed off by powders.

  3. Gravatar Tatyana Tatiana:

    Try pre-soaking in Fairy

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