All about washing machines

Sparks washing machine

Sparks washing machineHow does this problem manifest itself? You may notice small flashes of light appear under the bottom of your machine. In simple terms, she sparkles. If you find such a problem, you must immediately turn off your washing machine. In this condition, the operation of household appliances can be very dangerous. Therefore, before continuing to wash, you need to do the repair yourself or call the master.

You can also smell something like a burnt or fused plastic. In some cases, you can see sparks through the transparent part of the door.

What can cause this malfunction?

  • This may be the closure of the heating element (TENA).
  • Module breakdown.
  • Deterioration of brushes of the engine of the washing machine.
  • Damage to the engine manifold lamellas.

As we wrote above, first of all, we need to de-energize our household appliances by disconnecting it from the network.

Short circuit of a heating element (TENA)

This malfunction can be seen through the hatch door. With such a breakdown, you may notice sparking at the bottom of the hatch. To make sure that it is the heating element (TEN) that is faulty, you need to check it with a multimeter (tester). After the malfunction is fixed, you can replace the broken TEN with a new one and enjoy the normal operation of your machine. How the replacement process occurs, you can see in this video:

Module breakdown

Voltage drops can cause sparks on the SMA control module. Such sparks often leave dark traces on it. If you leave the current changes in electricity unattended, then over time they will surely ruin this expensive part of your machine.

If the module still breaks, then you can notice the blinking of all indicator lamps. In this case, it is necessary to replace or repair the module. By the way, with such a breakdown, we do not recommend repairing the washing machine yourself. If you have no experience in this matter, then it is better to seek the help of professionals.

Worn motor brushes

If you have been using your washing machine for a long time, it is possible that the engine brushes have already decently worn out. In this case, they are not tight enough in contact with the collector, which causes such sparking. With this malfunction, you will have to remove the engine and replace the brushes. To clearly demonstrate the entire process of removing the engine and replacing the brushes, we decided to add a video:

By the way, such sparking can occur in a completely new washing machine. This usually happens because new parts have not yet been rubbed. If you have this problem, it is best to load a small amount of laundry items into the drum for the first time. This will help more securely adapt to new engine brushes.

Damage to the engine manifold lamellas

Sparks washing machine motorIf the engine brushes are in an acceptable condition, and sparks still occur, then the lamellas may break or become severely worn. They can fail with frequent and prolonged use of the washing machine. The presence of this malfunction is checked as follows: you must manually rotate the motor shaft several times.

In this case, you can hear the knock of brushes on the lamella. This knock informs us that the lamellas are defective. Unfortunately, they cannot be replaced. And in order to eliminate the breakdown will have to change the entire engine. The video above shows how to remove and install the brush changer motor. It will help you remove the old engine and replace it with a new one.

You can find and order a new engine, and indeed any spare parts for a washing machine using Yandex, Google, as well as other search engines.You can also contact the service centers of your city.


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