All about washing machines

How to wash the clothes of a newborn?

Laundry for the newbornThe current level of technology allows for the production of detergents that can be quite effective. They remove stains, make things whiter, retain texture and color. Everything would be fine, but young or expectant mothers will definitely have a question, how to wash the clothes of a newborn, and are these modern detergents suitable for crumbs that have recently been born?

The washing process is not so pleasant, but obligatory, therefore this question is very relevant, and it is impossible not to take it into account. Of course, the young mother will have many worries, and washing is included in this list, like ironing, and other worries associated with the baby.

Preparatory work for washing

It may seem strange, but such works exist. First you need to decide on the container where the baby’s things will be folded for washing. With adult things, dirty diapers should not lie together. This is an axiom. Mommy can take several bags or a basket and put things there. for convenience and time saving, you can immediately lay them out on the basis of:

  1. white
  2. color.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to leave dirty things without washing for a long time, since microorganisms appear in dirty (and also wet) things that can be harmful to the baby.

Laundry Detergents

Laundry soap 72%No matter how much progress is made, and no matter what means are offered, the older generation is 100% sure that there is no better soap for laundry, as an household, 72 percent soap. It is difficult to disagree with them. After all, we know that this particular soap is made from natural ingredients, and does not contain dubious ingredients. But this soap has a significant drawback. And so what.

You can use it only by washing things by hand, the process is tedious and long. And for washing machines, this soap is not suitable. True, you can try an ordinary activator machine, and grate the soap on a coarse grater, and throw in hot water.

The automatic washing machine allows you to not be near it, and all operations are performed without human intervention. But starting this process, you need to take into account all the nuances, and what to wash the clothes of the newborn.

  1. The detergent should clearly indicate that the detergent is suitable for washing items that have just been born.
  2. The composition of the product should not contain substances such as surfactants, phosphates and chlorine.
  3. It is possible to use air conditioners, but you also need to watch its composition.
  4. Strictly follow the instructions for the amount of product used.
  5. You should not buy a detergent for future use.

Rules for washing baby clothes

  1. For hand washing, you can use baby and household soap. Wash in very hot water, or use boiling. It is necessary to rinse the laundry a lot (5), each time making the water more and more cold, regardless of the detergent.
  2. For washing in an automatic machine, select the program for children's washing, and in the absence of such, you need to set 60-70g temperature, + add. rinsing.
  3. Wash adult and children's underwear is not recommended.
  4. If the diapers are only recorded, then only rinsing is sufficient, but provided that the baby is naturally fed. In this case, the urine of the baby does not have an unpleasant odor.
  5. Diapers that have stool residues are first cleaned of them, a dirty place is washed off, and only after that they are put in a washer.
  6. Pay attention to the recommendations for caring for children's things.
  7. Do not use bleach. This is fraught with manifestations of allergies, and even poisoning with residual vapors.
  8. Choose conditioners without fragrances.
  9. It is advisable to dry crumbs under the open air, since drying in the apartment will lead to increased humidity indicators.Which is completely unhealthy for all residents, and the crumbs even more so, also because it (humidity) is the first friend of mold and fungi, which in the process of their life negatively affect the air in the room.

These rules are quite simple, and do not require special knowledge. Love and care will tell the young mother how to cope with washing, and our recommendations will simply complement them.

To iron or not to iron? - That is the question!

Should I iron things baby?Protecting the baby from infection is the main task of the mother, especially in the first month, since the umbilical wound heals along this length. Therefore, the issue of ironing things is not discussed. They need to be ironed on both sides using the steaming mode. Steaming is an additional means of disinfecting things. Well, if the washing machine program has the option of steam treatment, in this case, steam is not required by the iron. But you still need to iron things.

The existing assertion that what is too bad is also not healthy is not unfounded. And that's why.

The kid should get used to the world around him, and everything that surrounds him, including microbes and bacteria. His body must learn to fight them and resist them.

And excessive sterility can lead to the fact that the baby’s body will learn to resist bacteria for too long, and this in turn will lead to the constant “grabbing” of even minor infections. Therefore, after the healing of the navel, there is no need to zealously zeal with ironing. Some things can be ironed, while others may not need it at all.

Take the time that ironing takes for the second participant in the process, the emergence of a new life, for the husband. He has such a "zapara" that little attention is paid to him, he wants to feel care and love. And, of course, she wants her mother as a beloved woman who gave him a baby. Dad should know that he is needed not only as a getter, but as a loved one and a desired man!


Even before the mother is interested in the question of how to wash her baby’s clothes, she must determine the place for storing children's things. It can be like a separate chest of drawers, or a shelf in an adult closet. But we can definitely say that it is undesirable to store both adult and children's things in one place.

  • Firstly, this is rather inconvenient, since you will need to go through all the things to find the right one.
  • And secondly, it is not hygienic, because the crumbs are too small to withstand adult odors, germs, and residues from adult powder.

Baby clothes are sorted and laid out so that even at night in the dark you can immediately find the right thing.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Dimon Dimon:

    My wife and I chose a powder for a long time for our child, as a result, by chance in the hypermarket we stumbled upon Dosenka washing powder for children and decided to try it. Normally, everything was removed, since then we use it

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