Washing with aspirin for white laundry

aspirin for washingThe most easily soiled items are white items, and therefore they need to be washed much more often than black or colored ones. This can cause them to fade and turn gray. The question arises of how to wash them correctly so that they always remain white. There is one secret that we will tell you about in this article.

What is aspirin used for?

Our grandmothers did not have such a choice of powders and detergents, but their white clothes were always snow-white and fresh. And all because they knew many secrets of washing using improvised means. One of these remedies is aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid tablets, which are the same thing. You can buy this substance in a pharmacy under one of the following names:

  • Aspirin C;
  • Upsarin UPSA;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Aspirin Cardio and others.

For your information! Aspirin C tablets dissolve in water much better than acetylsalicylic acid tablets, despite their similar composition. Even in hot water, “acetyl” does not dissolve well.

Therefore, for washing it is better to use Aspirin C tablets, previously crushed into powder. Having dissolved well in water, it will better demonstrate its whitening properties, removing sweat stains and gray tints. This bleaching agent is relatively cheaper than special bleaches.

Instructions for use

aspirin for washingTo wash white clothes, you need to prepare a solution of aspirin. To do this, take 10 aspirin tablets of 325 mg each and crush them into powder so that it dissolves better and faster in water. Then aspirin powder is dissolved in 15 liters of warm water. Place things in this water and leave them for 8 hours, or overnight.

After soaking, the laundry is washed as usual in the machine or by hand. If you don’t have time to soak things, then 2-3 aspirin tablets can be crushed and put directly into the washing machine with the clothes and start the required washing mode. However, the best effect can only be achieved with soaking.

Other whitening methods

There are several other ways to bleach things. The choice of bleaching method will depend on the types of fabric from which the products are made. To get rid of sweat stains on cotton T-shirts and shirts, you can use laundry soap. Lather the items and soak them in cold water for several hours. Then rinse and soap again, soaking them in hot water for another 1 hour. After soaking, wash the product in your usual way. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

You can bleach things with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of peroxide in 2 liters of water. Then the solution is added to warm water in which the laundry is soaked for one hour. After soaking, the laundry is washed and rinsed.

For your information! Instead of peroxide, you can use a hydroperite tablet, which is pre-dissolved in one liter of water.

aspirin for washingMost often, white is used to wash white clothes. Just remember that chlorine bleach should not be poured into the washing machine, so only wash with whites by hand. Modern bleaches are suitable for machine washing. The method of use is indicated on the packaging.

When washing wool and silk items, do not use chlorine bleaches. The best option would be laundry soap. The second method involves using ammonia. You need to take:

  • 15 liters of water;
  • 12 tablespoons salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of peroxide;
  • 5 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • washing powder.

All substances are thoroughly dissolved in water and silk and wool items are soaked for 30 minutes, after which they are washed as usual.

Important! Before bleaching, silk items must first be washed in cold water.

It is not always possible to soak and bleach things by hand. When you have a washing machine, you want to simplify this procedure as much as possible. Washing and bleaching things in a machine has its own secrets, we wrote about them in the article How to bleach laundry in a washing machine.

In conclusion, before you start washing white items, read the information on the label. You must know exactly at what temperature the item can be washed and whether it can be bleached. We hope that the recipes described above will help you when washing white laundry.


5 reader comments

  1. Gravatar Natalia Natalia:

    It is not clear what is the point of soaking and bleaching clothes if you then wash them in the machine. After it, things still turn grey.

    • Gravatar Ivan Ivan:

      Soaking is necessary for the solution to penetrate deep into the fibers and it takes time for a chemical reaction.

    • Gravatar Lesha Lesha:

      You need to take care of the machine and wash everything separately. And do the so-called sanitation from time to time - that is, clean the car from accumulating dirt and chemicals inside!

  2. Gravatar Tina Tina:

    Before washing white clothes in the machine, you need to rinse the machine, especially if you washed colored clothes.

  3. Gravatar Anonymous Anonymous:

    You can leave it for 15 hours

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