Do it yourself
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Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 16

Master classes:

How to get rid of flies and ants in the house with homemade remedies

How intrusive, unpleasant, and downright annoying house flies can be, I think there is no need to remind or explain to anyone. In addition to moral discomfort, these buzzing insects are also carriers of various pathogenic bacteria, and

How to make a household press from any hand jack

You can expand the functionality of any manual jack – mechanical or hydraulic – by giving it the capabilities of a mini-press. This does not require special knowledge, professional skills or high costs.

How to freeze green grapes so that the berries do not lose their original shape

Freezing is one of the most convenient ways to preserve nutrients with minimal loss. Light grape varieties should be frozen in sugar syrup. The syrup is prepared from two glasses of water and one glass of sugar. Change proportions

3 attachments to expand the functionality of the multimeter

Even the cheapest multimeter has a fairly large set for measuring various quantities.In addition, you can assemble several simple attachments to provide the measuring device with new functions that even expensive models do not have.

Motor scooter made from a bicycle and a mower engine

An engine from a brush cutter and spare parts from an old bicycle can become the basis for assembling a motorized scooter. This does not require special knowledge, professional experience or high costs.

How to make roller blinds from PP pipes for pennies

You will have to pay a tidy sum for roller blinds in the store, and it remains to be seen whether they will fit the interior and the size of the window sash. They can be made from quite affordable materials, varying sizes and colors, at a minimum of cost.

How to make a trap to effectively combat ants in garden beds

To combat ants in the house, in summer cottages or in the garden, you can use a special preparation containing ordinary borax as an active ingredient. The price of one package is about 350 rubles. For our case it is much more profitable

6 useful ideas from useless parts

In some cases, products and materials unsuitable for their intended purpose can become the basis for making life hacks that are useful in the home and at work. Below are 6 such transformations, some of which you will clearly take note of.

How to make carbonated homemade kvass in 4 hours

Store-bought sodas are not the best drinks for health, as they cause stomach irritation, not to mention harm to the kidneys. It is much safer and healthier to quench your thirst with homemade kvass. To prepare it, it is not necessary to dry rye crackers,

A modern method will allow you to forget about weeds in the garden for the whole season.

Getting rid of weeds completely and growing a large harvest is the dream of any owner who works with the land. But I don’t really want to use herbicides that are considered toxic. And the option with manual weeding is completely unsuitable for those who have

How to make an electric drive for a bicycle without electronics

Converting a regular bike to an electric one will make you more mobile with less effort. Such a transformation does not require special knowledge, professional skills or high costs. Any adult can do this job

The most popular recipe for homemade kvass made from black bread

The summeriest, most refreshing and cheapest thirst-quenching drink is kvass. In addition to all the listed advantages, this drink also has benefits for the body, which you can read about on some other site. homemade

An experiment with cleaning frying pans and pots from stubborn deposits using only home remedies

In fact, the product that I have recently been using for this purpose is great for getting rid of dirt, for example, on stoves in the bathroom and kitchen. Thanks to it, the washbasin, toilet, and other toilet and kitchen accessories shine like new.

How to easily clean hob grates from days-long deposits

The eternal headache of bringing them to shine? I have my own recipe for how to do this quickly, without any expensive or specially advertised means.I don’t presume to say that it is suitable for all types of grates, but for cast iron ones, like

Budget delicacy: How to deliciously fry capelin in a frying pan

Fried capelin is a very inexpensive and tasty fish dish that can be quickly and easily prepared. Fried fish turns out spicy, tender, and very appetizing. The fish is very tender in texture and the batter is golden and crispy. You can use capelin

We reliably repair a mosquito net in a couple of minutes

The cat tore the mosquito net. Or the birds pecked. Of course, you can cover the break with tape, which will look untidy, collect dust and dirt, and eventually fall off. But it can be done well.

How to improve the performance of a car air conditioner by almost 2 times

I hope everyone knows how the air conditioner works? To put it quite simply, it consists of two containers. In one, freon gas condenses under the influence of high pressure created by the compressor. This is a capacitor and it is located under the hood. IN

Remaking a trimmer to control weeds

Weed control in the garden takes up the lion's share of gardeners' time. The job is tedious and difficult. But necessary. What if we mechanize it? The implementation of the idea will require not only the availability of special metalworking and welding equipment, but also

An idea for any workshop: canister drawers

Plastic canisters for various technical liquids and food products have an optimal combination of strength, flexibility and elasticity. Therefore, they can be confidently used for various purposes, for example, as

One high-quality welding technique from the pros

In order to perform a high-quality weld, it is necessary to take into account many different factors: the configuration, in particular, the thickness of the workpieces being welded, the welding equipment used, the type and diameter of the electrodes used, the force

We get rid of mosquitoes and midges on the site quickly and free of charge

Mosquitoes and midges on the site can upset even the calmest person. They get rid of them using chemicals, mechanical means, and buy a variety of repellent devices. But one of the most accessible ways is

How to make a modern garden lamp for pennies from PVC pipe

Buying outdoor garden lamps in a store or market will cost a pretty penny, and the design may not be suitable or you may not like it. Lamps that are quite modern in design can be made from leftover plastic pipes and sheets, and for this

A simple recipe for cold pickled mushrooms

Mushrooms can be prepared for the winter in various ways. Freeze raw, boiled, fried, pickle and ferment. But literally several types can be salted. Moreover, both cold and hot. Raw or cooked. But not all mushrooms

How to cheaply make tiles for paths that are not inferior to store-bought ones

Stores offer a huge range of tiles for garden paths. Various sizes, colors and relief patterns. You can buy not ready-made tiles, but molds for making them. They are also presented in shopping centers in all their diversity. A

DIY Easter basket | Do it yourself

How to make a toilet freshener with your own hands

How to remove superglue from clothes or surfaces - three ways

Invisible ink | Do it yourself

«Do it yourself - with your own hands» - a site of interesting homemade products made from scrap materials and items at home. Step-by-step master classes with photos and descriptions, technologies, life hacks - everything a real master or just a craftsman needs for needlework. Crafts of any complexity, a large selection of directions and ideas for creativity.

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