DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
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Master classes:

Turkey beef stroganoff

A dish prepared in this way is loved by both adults and children. Turkey meat gives the dish a delicate and refined taste. As you know, chicken is chipped with hormones and antibiotics, and turkey meat is not susceptible to hormones, so

Tender curd donuts

Donuts, they are donuts, one of the most popular desserts in the world. In different regions, the recipe for cooking, the serving options for the table may differ, but the basic principle is the same everywhere - these are round mini buns fried in deep fat.

How to make four cheese pizza

There was a time when pizza was a simple dish of ordinary residents of Italy. However, now it is one of the most famous in the world and popular among all segments of the population dishes of Italian cuisine. At home, you can cook a simple version of this

Smokehouse design for home

It is not difficult to make it, the smoking process is quite simple. So that many can afford it. And when you put on the table fresh smoked products with your own hands, beckoning with a great smell, pleasing to the eye with your appearance, you and your guests will be in

Oatmeal Cookies

A good housewife always wants to please her family with some excellent dessert. And in this case there is a recipe for oatmeal cookies that will appeal to both adults and children. Oatmeal cookies have a delicious taste and also contains

Golden smelt

Smelt. How much delicious is immediately remembered. Soups are cooked from smelt, fried, baked, and stewed. And the smell of smelt, reminiscent of the smell of fresh cucumber, does not fit at all with the word "fish". As you know, smelt is a welcome guest on every table,

How to fry catfish deliciously

Catfish belongs to freshwater predatory fish. From such inhabitants of rivers and lakes as pike, common carp, carp, catfish compares favorably with the absence of strong scales and completely non-bony meat. Catfish do not have such small and sharp bones as, for example, the same

Hearty and simple salad recipe "Meat"

The favorite food of most men is meat. Therefore, it is worth trying this salad only once, and it will become a welcome dish in the daily menu. For a festive table, such a salad is also perfect. Despite the ease of preparation, this salad

Perfect kebab - a full meal

There are a lot of options for cooking barbecue, from simple to the most complex. I offer a recipe that always benefits, and the kebab is distinguished by its gentle and juicy taste, against the background of the rest. Fragrant side dish will create

The recipe for a delicious lagman

The most common dish of the peoples of Central Asia is the exquisite Lagman. Today, every hostess can easily prepare a traditional treat without special knowledge in cooking. To prepare a juicy lagman you will need ...

Panna cotta with oranges

The basis of this treat is traditional. After all, Italians, claiming the laurels of the authors of the dessert, can not imagine it without boiled cream. In the same combination of products, everything turns into a sophisticated dessert, which is flattering to present to any cook,

Curd Easter with Chocolate Top

In the monastery’s old books and home cooking books, many recipes for the festive Easter cheese - “thickened milk” are stored. Any of them can be strictly observed or used as a source of inspiration. The simplest version is not

Cold Mackerel Cooking

This method of cooking mackerel has been tested by me more than once. And believe my experience, it is no worse than in a supermarket. Even there is a plus - it is much fresher. We take three mackerels of medium size. If it is frozen, then you need

Delicious Anthill Cake

This cake is my favorite. In our family, "Anthill" is prepared for a great mood. This is a rather troublesome task, but the result is always beyond praise. There is nothing tastier than a slice of this cake with a glass of cold milk.

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with ribs, the dish, although simple, but very tasty and, accordingly, loved by many. It cooks quickly enough, especially if pork ribs are used for its preparation, which do not require so much to extinguish

Pink salmon inside out, baked in a tandoor

Red fish is a valuable cooking product and is widely used in diet foods. This product is served in a fried, baked, boiled and even raw form. Moreover, regardless of the processing method, the valuable properties of the fish remain

Simple manti for a couple

The taste and benefits of steaming are well intertwined. Such food is useful to people who monitor their figure, as well as those who control the proper functioning of the stomach. Very juicy "Manty" is easy to cook in your favorite double boiler. Not complicated in

Chicken breast chop in batter

Almost everyone can eat chicken, as it is dietary. Many delicious and healthy dishes are prepared from it. Tender chicken meat is ideal for chopping. Most often they are made from breasts. But this part of the chicken carcass is not

Homemade bird milk (sour cream jelly)

Of course this is not an original recipe for a well-known dish, but it tastes very much like it. A dessert is prepared on the basis of sour cream, it turns out to be unusually tender, light and airy. Served in portions, in a glass or on dishes, if you take more

Crisp brushwood

A delicious dessert for tea drinking can be prepared quickly and easily. Crispy, fragrant brushwood will be the best occasion to spend time in a friendly atmosphere with a mug of hot coffee. The only thing the hostess needs is to knead

Kefir raisin cupcake

My eldest son, like me, loves pastries with raisins and therefore often asks me to make a cupcake. In general, muffins are a favorite pastry for many children, especially those cooked with raisins, nuts or other goodies. BUT

Homemade Kaleidoscope Cookies

Such cookies always make us remember our childhood, when our mothers or grandmothers were engaged in baking, and we cheerfully cut out fancy figures from the dough. And then they all drank delicious herbal tea together. This recipe is very easy to make,

A la Caesar Salad

Caesar salad, without false modesty, can be called one of the most popular. You can try the reference recipe in a good restaurant, but not in all cafes it is perfect. For the classic recipe, Romaine salad, croutons, Parmesan cheese and sauce with

Manty "Heroes" with chopped meat

Manti is a very satisfying and tasty dish. And, of course, high-calorie, but it is perfectly absorbed, due to the fact that it is steamed.There are a lot of recipes for their preparation. Manty is cooked with different fillings: with lamb, pork, beef,
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«Do it yourself - do it yourself"- a site of interesting homemade products made from improvised materials and objects at home. Step-by-step master classes with photos and descriptions, technologies, examples of work - all that a real master or just a craftsman needs for needlework. Crafts of any complexity, a large selection of directions and ideas for creativity.

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