DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.

Master classes:

Removing rust with baking soda

This is my favorite method of removing rust from heavily corroded metal products. The method is very simple and highly effective. With a little patience, you get impressive results. Use this method only outdoors.

Charcoal filter for a plastic bottle

When fishing, camping or camping, it can happen that drinking water has become unusable. Or ended, or spilled - it does not matter. In general, you can draw water in the nearest body of water, boil it, wait until it cools down and calmly

Deposition of copper on non-metallic objects

Good afternoon! In this article, we will consider the process of electrochemical deposition of copper on conductive surfaces, and also try to coat a walnut with a copper layer.

How to Etch a Broken Tap

When threading in duralumin or aluminum, failure can occur and your tap will break, leaving a chip inside the hole. Drilling tool steel from duralumin-aluminum is incredibly difficult and this means that the entire hole will be broken.

Copper acetate crystals at home

Surely you have heard about growing crystals at home from various reagents: iron or copper sulfate, sodium chloride, citric acid. The color of the crystal depends on the reagent. This time we will grow beautiful black

We get gold from radio components

The experiments on the extraction of precious metals from boards, microcircuits, transistors and other radio components are no longer new, and they are hotly discussed on the Internet. Many thus discovered talented chemists in themselves, and someone makes good money.

Lava lamp

This is a fun, beautiful and entertaining chemical experiment that can easily be repeated at home. All reagents are available in almost any kitchen, and if not, then you can definitely buy them at any grocery store.

Decorative metal etching

As you know, metal is quite difficult to process at home without special skills and tools, especially if it is such a solid metal as steel. Nevertheless, you can call for help chemistry: there is such a chemical process -

PCB etching in ammonium persulfate solution

There are quite a few ways described on the Internet how to etch a circuit board in a solution of ferric chloride or hydrogen peroxide with citric acid. At the same time, another etching method is undeservedly forgotten - in a solution of ammonium persulfate. is he

Catalytic combustion is a very simple and entertaining experiment.

Today I will show you how to make a home nuclear reactor. I hope you have a good sense of humor, then let's get started. To build a mini reactor you will need a glass jar.

Moisture-proof coating - liquid glass

I will show how to make a simple and cheap water-repellent or moisture-proof coating - liquid glass. Motorists have been using it for a long time, covering them with headlights, glass and all the pieces of their car. This coating is relevant especially in the spring-autumn

Removing rust with citric acid

This is one of the easiest, safest and most effective ways to remove rust from the surface of old steel tools.The difference between this method is that to restore the surface of the metal does not require any scarce reagent or

Unusual night light

Good afternoon! Today we will focus on the original night light, which will serve as an excellent decoration for your windowsill. So let's get started! Based on a conventional 100-watt incandescent bulb.

Getting distilled water at home

Distilled water has a fairly large use in everyday life, which I personally did not know about. I just used distilled water only for refueling. Although this is not limited to its use.

Knife bluing in citric acid

Burnishing is the process of producing an oxide layer a few microns thick. It is also called oxidation, blackening or blueing. This is a dark, almost black coating, but there are other shades. Mostly burnished is used as a decorative

DIY sugar crystals

I show you a simple and funny chemical experiment. We used to do it at school, just take salt and grow salt crystals. In the same example, we take sugar and grow crystals from it. It will be a candy, which in the end will be

Hot Ice

I was just bewitched when I repeated this beautiful and exciting experiment! It does not contain hard-to-reach reagents, all the components are in the kitchen - it is baking soda and vinegar. This experiment is called "hot ice." It can be repeated

How to make pepper spray

Of course, this is not really a pepper spray, but rather a pepper spray. Which you can use for self defense. You can buy this and ready, but if you do not have the opportunity or the price is too high, then you can make pepper spray yourself.

Restoration of rusted surfaces

This method of surface restoration and rust removal is suitable for those who want to return old things from steel to their normal appearance and remove traces of corrosion. Many of you must have found interesting antiques from your grandmother in a closet, or

Laboratory bath

For me, as a radio amateur, this laboratory electronic bathtub became just an indispensable assistant. If you are engaged in radio electronics, I sincerely recommend repeating it to you. I often have to make printed circuit boards. Manufacturing process

Pickling solution shaker

A shaker for stirring the pickling solution will be a useful device for radio amateurs practicing the independent manufacture of printed circuit boards. As the basis of the device, you can use a CD or DVD drive from a computer, with a working

Country alcohol factory

I want to share some of my experiences. I have been practicing bees for five years and every year I take out my small apiary to the country house 40 km from the city. I’m leaving at the end of April and back in October, so I spend almost half a year in nature with my pets.

Lava lamp

The lava lamp attracts the eye and makes both adults and children look at a small miracle in a bottle. You can make a small lava lamp at home, while the most common products will be used. The main ingredients of such a magic lamp

Indicator paper

A couple of years ago, I “ate” packs of green onions from a store and ... lay down for a week ... and when I woke up, I checked the remaining product for nitrate content. I was surprised by the fact that the topic is relevant to this day. I bring to your attention a simple and
«Do it yourself - do it yourself"- a site of interesting homemade products made from improvised materials and objects at home. Step-by-step master classes with photos and descriptions, technologies, examples of work - all that a real master or just a craftsman needs for needlework. Crafts of any complexity, a large selection of directions and ideas for creativity.

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