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» » »How I freeze tomatoes for the winter, a useful trick
Experienced housewives use various methods of preserving vegetables, including freezing. But different vegetables after defrosting behave differently. I tried in this way to keep the tomatoes, sliced, but after thawing they look like rags and they have no taste. Therefore, the last few years I have acted differently.


I buy tomatoes of the latest degree of maturity on the market (I call them "pimped").
The method of freezing tomato

Sellers give this charm for pennies, trying to get rid of faster, because in a day this product will no longer be a product. The view they have, of course, is unattractive, but I'm not so much interested in beauty and not even their price, but how much taste. It is at this moment that the tomato is as delicious as possible.


I wash vegetables, cut off badly damaged parts (mostly black), cut in half.
The method of freezing tomato

I rub on a coarse grater so as to separate the flesh from the peel.
The method of freezing tomato

Here, each mistress can act in her own way. My grandmother, for example, boiled tomatoes, and then rubbed through a sieve or colander. Using a sieve, you can get rid of not only the peel, but also the seeds. But this procedure takes a lot of time. Seeds absolutely do not bother me, so I give preference to my method.


Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan from a stainless steel, bring to a boil and cook for an hour and a half, in order to evaporate excess moisture (about two-thirds).
The method of freezing tomato

I didn’t do this before, but immediately packed the tomato into plastic containers and sent it to the freezer. But I did not like the result after defrosting: a large amount of water and very little dry matter. There is not much space in the cell, so I just don’t really want to save water.
Experts say that more vitamins are stored in frozen vegetables than in thermally processed ones. Therefore, each woman will decide for herself: cook or not.
When cooking a tomato, it’s also important not to overdo it: it must remain liquid. Since I mainly cook dishes without adding extra fats, the tomato base allows them to be replaced at least partially. It perfectly stews vegetables and does not burn.

Packing and freezing

I pour the cooled tomato mass into liter food-grade plastic containers. They should not be filled to the brim (everyone has taught physics).
The method of freezing tomato

Product so packaged is sent to freeze.
The method of freezing tomato


And finally, you can fantasize a little. If you have big problems with buying vegetables in the winter, then you can add carrots, onions, and bell peppers in their raw form to our harvest (per liter of ready-made tomato - one carrot, one onion and one pepper (all medium-sized)). But I do not do this, because onions and carrots are always available fresh in the winter season (and again, there are more vitamins in the fresh ones), and I freeze the pepper separately. By the way, pepper for freezing is better to take red, juicy, sweet, but unripe.
The only supplement that I would not give up is greens. In summer, it is much cheaper than in winter. Add chopped dill, parsley, basil (whatever you like) to the tomato when turn off the heat and mix everything. During cooling, the base absorbs the aroma. This method of preserving greens, in my opinion, is the most effective, because when drying, salting or freezing, the grass loses its aromatic properties.
That's all. Have fun in your kitchen!
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Comments (6)
  1. Guest Irina
    #1 Guest Irina Guests August 8, 2019 08:10
    In order not to waste a lot of gas, boil the juice for 20 minutes, then fold it onto a sieve covered with two layers of gauze or cloth and strain the juice (as cottage cheese is made). Adjust the density yourself. Use juice for preservation of tomato instead of water to preserve it, it is possible without adding vinegar.
  2. Lyudmila
    #2 Lyudmila Guests August 9, 2019 08:24
    Discover America !!! We have been shutting this tomato so all our life for the winter. And why freeze? Buried in lids in sterilized jars or bottles from under the juice and in the basement.
  3. Guest Yuri
    #3 Guest Yuri Guests August 9, 2019 09:44
    This is freezing tomato paste, but how exactly do tomatoes freeze? It is necessary to write essentially.
    1. quay16
      #4 quay16 Guests August 13, 2019 5:53 p.m.
      But what’s difficult, wash, dry and freeze. But I’ll tell you my opinion: tomatoes in their own juice in glass jars are incomparable with frozen ones. But tomato paste can be frozen - it is convenient to add to soups and borscht.
      1. Guest Yuri
        #5 Guest Yuri Guests August 14, 2019 10:09 p.m.
        Well, again, about the same, give a recipe on how to freeze tomatoes with minimal losses!
  4. Maria
    #6 Maria Guests August 15, 2019 16:28
    The advice is free - pour the rolled tomatoes into a 5-10 kilogram bag of sugar, put the stick in the pens, hang it on chairs or in the bathroom, do not forget to put a bowl on the bottom and, woo a la, the next day, a gorgeous thick substance. It is not necessary to evaporate for a long time.

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