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» »How to cheaply repair a rusted tool
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Almost always, if any tool is idle, it begins to rust. It is worth only one winter to leave pliers or wire cutters in an unheated room and in the spring you can observe a layer of red rust on the surface. I will show a cheap and effective method how to remove all corrosion and partially restore the metal surface. This will not require expensive or scarce materials.

You will need:

  • Vinegar 9% (I took apple, from that it is brown, if there is, then take the usual colorless).
  • Edible salt (ordinary, table).
  • Waste Toothbrush.
  • Capacity in which, whenever possible, the entire restored tool can be immersed. Necessarily from plastic.
  • Engine oil of absolutely any brand.

Rust removal and surface restoration process

In my case, we will restore the nippers and pliers with thin sponges. As you can see, the nippers have lain more than one year and, it would seem, are hopelessly spoiled. We place the instruments in the vessels.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Fill with vinegar so that the metal surface is completely covered.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Now take the salt and sprinkle it with plenty of rust.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

I did not completely immerse the nippers, since their handles are protected by a rubber braid.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

We leave everything for a day. At this time, a chemical reaction will occur.
After time, you will see how rust flakes will float on the surface of the solution.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Remove the tool and use a toothbrush to remove any traces of corrosion and reaction traces.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Try to work with a tool. The first 2-3 movements can be difficult, but then everything should be easy.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

If the result does not suit you, repeat the procedure and leave it to soak for another day.
As you can see, pliers and nippers have acquired a completely working look.

Now they need to be lubricated. We take any motor oil, dunk a rag and process the open surface of the metal.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

Also known for lubrication is the well-known WD-40. Spray to the surface and wipe with a cloth removing excess.
How to cheaply repair a rusted tool

The method is not very complicated, but quite effective. I personally use this not the first time and I am satisfied with the result.
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Comments (16)
  1. Sektor
    #1 Sektor Guests January 30, 2019 2:11 p.m.
    The tool rusts at those who store it anywhere. I don’t remember a single case when a tool rusted.
    1. Guest Sergey
      #2 Guest Sergey Guests January 30, 2019 3:59 p.m.
      The master does not have time to rust the tool!
    2. Pavel R
      #3 Pavel R Guests April 27, 2019 19:23
      Everything is ahead of you!
    3. Sergey K
      #4 Sergey K Visitors June 12, 2019 19:49
      Well, it’s never possible to rust, but there are traces, it’s especially a pity the Soviet measuring instrument, I inherited a lot of it, it makes no sense to sell, but it turns out to be troublesome to store - you need to constantly monitor and wipe it with oilseed ...
  2. Login
    #5 Login Guests January 30, 2019 4:02 p.m.
    salt why, author ???
    1. Sektor
      #6 Sektor Guests February 1, 2019 09:01
      Salt and vinegar are needed for the next wintering of tools. Then the rust will be even more plentiful. The author apparently either did not study chemistry at school, or has not yet reached this subject.
  3. Ilya
    #7 Ilya Guests January 30, 2019 10:01 p.m.
    Take care of your hands is acetic acid !!!
  4. Guest Igor
    #8 Guest Igor Guests January 30, 2019 10:18 p.m.
    No salt needed! Vinegar is quite enough and not aggressive. I even cleaned rather big old vice without problems.
  5. Guest Sergey
    #9 Guest Sergey Guests February 1, 2019 3:52 a.m.
    Neither acid nor salt is needed. Pour Coca-Cola and leave for a day or two, and even better in a closed plastic container and in the trunk of the car. Let the day ride.
    1. Sektor
      #10 Sektor Guests February 1, 2019 9:03 a.m.
      So it's even tougher than vinegar. And you just need to put a thin layer of grease on the tool, if you leave it to winter in an unheated cottage. And in the spring, remove this grease with a cloth. That's all.
  6. Dim
    #11 Dim Guests February 3, 2019 11:28
    VD is not a lubricant .... Oxides are already on the metal, will acid aggravate the situation? Why is there salt?
  7. Valery I.
    #12 Valery I. Guests February 28, 2019 10:47
    In chermet, such a tool is taken and rusty.
  8. Ivan
    #13 Ivan Guests February 28, 2019 8:52 p.m.
    buy a rust converter, then paint with nail polish - they will be like new and shine like an egg.
  9. LVN
    #14 LVN Guests March 17, 2019 17:11
    if for beauty it is possible.
    And if it is rusted and working tightly, then take it on a gas stove, but not much, drip oil into the places of friction and develop it.
    This is if with an old tool found, and when working, all rust itself will be removed. And if your tool was in such a state, then you hardly need it. Since you do not use.
  10. Guest anonymous
    #15 Guest anonymous Guests April 20, 2019 10:55 p.m.
    Citric acid copes with this task much better.
  11. Sergey K
    #16 Sergey K Visitors June 12, 2019 19:55
    Vinegar, of course, cleans rust well, checked on old hardware, but after cleaning, you hesitate a little and everything is again covered with a good layer of rust :(
    The rust converter works best, not only cleans, but also protects the metal later. But expensive.
    The electrolyte discharged from old batteries works worse, it’s practically free, if you find a familiar battery man, he’ll be glad that he doesn’t need to dispose of the waste :) It gives a dark gray color, of course, far from burnishing ...
    Citric acid also works. By the way, it rusts worse after it and the color appears beautiful gray.

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