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» » »How to clean capelin quickly and without bones
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

Capelin is an inexpensive and tasty fish. It is great as a snack in smoked, salted, fried, baked form. But many do not want to contact her because of the milling process. It seems difficult to remove all the insides and bones of such a trifle. But there is a cleaning method that significantly reduces the time. With it, you can sort out a kilogram of fish in just five minutes. Interesting? Then this workshop is for you.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

Step-by-step instructions for cutting capelin

We leave the frozen fish overnight in the refrigerator so that it thaws gradually. This will preserve its juiciness and strength. If there is no time, then defrost in cold water. While the fish is defrosting, prepare the following equipment for work:
  • a wooden board wrapped with cling film;
  • sharp knife for fish;
  • two plates for whole and milled capelin;
  • waste bag.

It’s easier to work with not completely melted fish. We take it out of the water, put it on the board and proceed to quick cleaning.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

1. First, we remove the head of the entire capelin, while simultaneously stretching the insides. We do not need any tools. We do everything with our hands. Having pressed fingers at the base of the head, we pull it. In a place with her internal organs will stretch. We remove the head with them in the waste bag, put the carcass on a plate. So do it right away with all the fish.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

2. Next, we cut the abdominal cavity with a sharp knife to the tail itself (a little further than the anus). We introduce the knife into the cavity and in one motion we open the abdomen. It is not necessary at this stage to remove the remaining caviar and films. Do not lose time. We quickly cut all the carcasses and proceed to the cleaning step.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

Notice how the carcass is cut. Such an incision will help to quickly remove the bones.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

3. Using a napkin (toilet paper or paper towel) we remove the black film. Do not skip this step, as the film gives the meat a taste of silt.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

4. Now you need to prepare the capelin for the excavation of the ridge and small bones. To do this, put the carcass belly down, slide a finger along the ridge, pressing on the back.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

5. Poke a ridge around the tail with a finger and pull it. It can be easily removed with all bones in one motion.
How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

So the process is over. We cleaned the small fish in just five minutes. Please note that you need to use the phased method. That is, apply one procedure to all fish. It turns out faster.

Look clearly

You can see in a video how to clean a kilogram of capelin in 5 minutes.
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Comments (6)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests November 9, 2018 14:32
    If this is a kilogram, then you were fooled on the scales
  2. Nikolai Osipov
    #2 Nikolai Osipov Visitors November 9, 2018 22:42
    Where does capelin live, and where is silt ...! Yes, and why should it be separated from bones at all?
  3. Valery
    #3 Valery Guests 10 november 2018 09:44
    Over such a delicious fish and so perverted? She's good at classic-boned in flour and fried. P.S. Do you even know where capelin is found? Where does silt come from? Sharpen the knife! Will cut, not tear the abdomen.
  4. Guest Olga
    #4 Guest Olga Guests November 12, 2018 10:31
    Thanks for the master class. And the previous comments were written by men who can eat with de ... ohm.
    1. Guest Olga
      #5 Guest Olga Guests November 14, 2018 04:16
      invite a resident of any coastal city to clean capelin, barbel, frying bull and he will only twist his finger at his temple. Well, do not clean this fish.
  5. Yuri
    #6 Yuri Guests December 4, 2018 10:25
    But what about fat and caviar? The whole taste of capelin was killed, having received a lean fillet.

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