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» "Device for receiving" dead "and" living "water
Remember how in an old Russian fairy tale: in order to revive a hero, you need to sprinkle him with “dead” water, and then drink “live” water. Today, “living” and “dead” water is neither fiction nor fiction. Of course, it is literally impossible to revive or kill someone by the action of such water, but such water does have healing properties.
Living water alkaline water is considered (pH = 10-11 units). Water softens the skin, has healing properties, has a rejuvenating effect, removes allergies, makes hair silky and healthy.
Dead water acidic (pH = 4-5 units), has good bactericidal and disinfectant properties, is used to rinse the mouth, throat and nose for colds, lowers blood pressure, destroys eczema, fungus, lichen, and helps with diarrhea.

A device for producing "living" and "dead" water can be made with your own hands. To accomplish this task you will need:
2 stainless steel electrodes;
canvas bag;
glass container (can);
diode rectifier bridge for converting AC voltage to DC;
power cord with plug;
plastic cover.

1. To make a canvas bag you need a non-rubberized canvas, you can use a fire hose (with a diameter of 50 mm). The length of the bag should correspond to the height of the glass jar into which it will be inserted. From cut off the desired length of the tarpaulin, make a bag. To do this, one side (the bottom of the bag) is sutured with a piece of the same tarpaulin or a piece of food plastic is inserted, as in our case.

2. Then, two electrodes (25x125x2) are made of stainless steel 44 NTHYu.

3. Insert the electrodes into the plastic lid (you can use the usual plastic lid for cans). In this case, a plastic coffee maker lid was used. The distance between the plates is 40 mm.

4. To the plates of the electrodes, according to the circuit depicted in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Schematic and structural diagram of the device of "living" and "dead" water.
Connect the rectifier diode bridge, marking the plus (+) and minus (-) of the exit to the plate, for the purpose of safety, it is necessary to cover the bridge.

5. A power cord (500-700 mm long) with a plug is connected to the diode bridge. All open electrical connections are carefully insulated. The device operates on AC 220 V.
6. Insert the bag into a glass jar and pour water into both containers.
7. Place the electrode with the minus sign (-) in the canvas bag, the second electrode (+) is placed in the jar and connected to the network

8. The process of preparing water for 3 to 8 minutes. In the photo you can see the process itself.

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Comments (13)
  1. [) eNiS
    #1 [) eNiS Guests July 15, 2011 15:24
    And where is the "living" and "dead" water? Rather, in what capacity what water?)
    1. Pavel Mikhailovich Popov
      #2 Pavel Mikhailovich Popov Guests October 31, 2018 08:38
      see the text - live + dead!
    2. Basil
      #3 Basil Guests February 12, 2019 02:43
      In the bag, where else, there is a minus !!!! There dare !!!!
  2. feelloff
    #4 feelloff Guests July 15, 2011 15:57
    Look carefully - in the fire hose is alive, around in the bank - dead.
  3. Veent
    #5 Veent Guests July 15, 2011 17:01
    How to choose “living” and “dead” if there aren’t any walls between them, it will mix in the end .. Yes, and in my opinion it’s better to use balanced, otherwise there may be a deficit of certain substances in the body. Yes, and you need to add a fuse if the bridge does not stand up and there will be a short circuit. But the idea is not bad
  4. Endy
    #6 Endy Guests July 22, 2011 02:33
    Anode water is used to water plants, they love it very much)
  5. Fedor
    #7 Fedor Guests August 30, 2013 00:20
    Tell me, is there a release of chromium from stainless steel in this process?
  6. Alex
    #8 Alex Guests May 28, 2014 18:56
    And the bridge (diode) can be assembled from branches near the stream? Or is there still a more accurate description of what ?!
  7. Bodik
    #9 Bodik Guests August 10, 2014 14:14
    And should water be poured into the bag, or will it leak through it and yet, should the bag be under the lid itself or should it be less so that water flows into it?
  8. Oleg
    #10 Oleg Guests January 24, 2016 16:36
    It turns out a good boiler. If you remove the bag.
  9. Michael
    #11 Michael Guests October 22, 2016 04:14
    Better: - "Lower the electrodes each into your own glass, glasses - connect together: with a wet piece of bandage (rolled up in a tube)." Load, adjust the area of ​​the electrodes or the amount of liquid poured into the glasses. "Then: -" tarpaulin, no need! "
    1. gennady
      #12 gennady Guests February 12, 2018 19:41
      how to divide into fractions after activation?
    2. Boris
      #13 Boris Guests April 25, 2018 16:21
      I have repeatedly tried to make a device for living and dead water consisting of two separate containers of 600 mg each, a bridge of cotton and bandage and the device itself. As a result - it does not work! And just install both electrodes in a liter jar with a canvas bag - it works wonderfully! Where is the mistake?

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