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» » »Reduced to finger adapter for batteries
Little-to-finger battery adapter

Sometimes such a nuisance as unexpectedly sitting down (for example, in a watch or an alarm clock!) AA batteries, in the common people “finger-type”, and you only have pinky ones (such as “AAA”). You can of course go and buy new ones at the store, or recharge if you have rechargeable batteries. But it would be much more convenient and faster if you had such an adapter for batteries. This will help to postpone the purchase of batteries, if you do not want to leave the house for such a trifling purchase.

Will need

To make this adapter, we need the following materials and tools:
  • Stationery knife,
  • self-adhesive colored oilcloth,
  • file,
  • flat screwdriver
  • emery machine
  • latex gloves,
  • protective glasses,
  • paper,
  • foil,
  • second glue
  • and unnecessary, shrunken AA size battery.

IMPORTANT: the battery must be with a solid shell, such as a capsule, and not with the edges connected by a seam! Alkaline elements are exactly what you need.

Making an adapter for batteries

So, before starting work, all safety precautions must be observed! Wear gloves and glasses. Next, we take our battery, free it from the label (if any) using a stationery knife.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

Then carefully cut one fourth of the battery from the bottom (minus side). This is approximately 15 millimeters.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

If there was liquid in the battery, let it drain and then continue to work. After removing the specified part, with a flat screwdriver we pick out the contents of the battery in a sealed bag or container, with its further disposal as waste of class 1-2.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

We rinse the product with water. After the above procedures, you should get an all-metal capsule. To remove the burrs and align the cut edges, use a file.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

Next, we need to make a filler so that the small battery does not hang in this adapter. To do this, take the little finger battery and wrap it tightly with paper until it comes in caliber to the finished capsule.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

Little-to-finger battery adapter

Another point: so that the twisted roll does not curl inward when we pull out the little battery from it, it is necessary to stick a piece of double-sided tape on the first turn. Next, we roll out a small, not dense ball from foil (so that later it would be easy to adjust the desired length by squeezing this ball) and put it in a capsule. From above we insert a roll of paper made earlier and align it with the edges of the capsule with the help of a clerical knife.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

We fix the roll in the capsule with second glue by soaking the edges. We glue the resulting product with self-adhesive oilcloth. Heat-shrink tubes of a suitable size can also be used.
Little-to-finger battery adapter

Everything, the adapter is ready. Use for health!
Little-to-finger battery adapter
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Comments (5)
  1. ROY
    #1 ROY Guests April 22, 2018 18:27
    We buy a disposable syringe for 5 cubes, remove the piston.
    The cost of 2 hryvnia (6 rubles in terms of). The diameter is perfect for the size of an AA battery.
    We cut off the excess. In a slightly shortened spout, insert a piece of wire of copper or aluminum cross-section 2.5 mm X2 about 6 mm long
    We insert the AAA battery inside. All. Work takes a few minutes.
  2. Passerby
    #2 Passerby Guests April 23, 2018 06:12
    When to do nefig - it is understandable. It’s easier to buy batteries of the required class.
  3. Guest Victor
    #3 Guest Victor Guests April 23, 2018 10:02
    Meaning, trophy type batteries are cheap. It’s easier to just wrap with paper and norms. And so you can injure your fingers and God forbid a piece of coal or something else gets into the eye.
  4. Choking
    #4 Choking Guests April 28, 2018 09:30
    Twist a piece of foil and stuff it into the space of the minus. 5 seconds ))))
  5. Guest Igor
    #5 Guest Igor Guests September 27, 2018 08:06
    How much unnecessary work in order to use the "little finger" battery instead of the "finger" in the clock for a short time.
    You take the foil from the chocolates, I took it from Little Red Riding Hood, turn it into a ball, a lump, it makes no difference and insert this lump into the watch from the "-" side along with the battery. Everything works perfectly. Labor costs are 2 minutes. All ingenious is simple.

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