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» » »Backlight for CD-ROM


I want to share with you how I did the highlight CD-ROMA. What we need: second glue, soldering accessories, wires, LEDs.

I cut out the LEDs from the backlight of the mobile phone, that is, its keyboard.

At the first stage, you need to install the LEDs in the holes in the tray as I did. pour it with glue and remove wires from them to the tray.

Thin conductive plates (thin copper plate) are soldered at the ends of these wires, these plates (contact) are glued to the tray, as in the photo.

At the second stage, it is necessary to glue the spring-loaded contacts to the case of the CD-ROMA (in no case will it close it to the metal!). From them, we remove the wires from the CD-ROMA itself. They are connected to 5 and 12 volts on the computer chip (shown in the photo).

That's all, who didn’t understand, call skype serg41836


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Comments (3)
  1. [) eNiS
    #1 [) eNiS Guests April 2, 2011 10:42
    You have to do the same for yourself)) I have somewhere like 2 purple LEDs littered for the keyboard from the phone. I don’t remember why I bought it))
  2. Veent
    #2 Veent Guests April 5, 2011 21:16
    you can also solder the drive out of the drive case to the board there the same red +5 yellow +12, but it turned out cool, you can also do it with the old one as a stand for a mug smile
  3. prizrak
    #3 prizrak Guests May 8, 2013 09:33
    An interesting but dubious decoration.
    To do this, completely remove and disassemble the CD-rom. And with crooked hands, the chance of physically breaking the drive is very high. It’s best not to make changes to moving parts. unless it’s a pity ...
    I did not understand about the power of LEDs. 12 and 5 volts is not a lot? Connect immediately to both 12 and 5 Volts? This is nonsense. How do you set the current? The standard LED is already lit at 2.2-2.5 Volts and a current of 20 mA, which must be set with a resistor

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