DIY do it yourself
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» » » "Kusudama" little turtle "
This kusudama was developed by a famous master origami Tomoko Fuse. Tomoko has created many models, including Kusuda, which are placed in more than 60 books. The modules add up quite easily, and the assembly itself is completely uncomplicated. Kusudama has many variations, but the “little turtle”, consisting of 30 modules, looks better than the others.
1. Take 30 square sheets of paper.
Kusudama little turtle

Colors can be anything, Kusudama looks good in any performance.
2. Select one sheet. Bend it in half and straighten.
Kusudama little turtle

Kusudama little turtle

3. Fold along the lines marked in Figure 3. Blue is mountains, red is valleys.
Kusudama little turtle

4. Fold the valley along the red line.
Kusudama little turtle

5. Move the triangle (it is necessary to turn the selected fold from the valley into a mountain) in the other direction.
Kusudama little turtle

6. Fold from step 4 on the opposite side of the module.
Kusudama little turtle

7. Fold down the valley.
Kusudama little turtle

8. Turn 90 degrees.
Kusudama little turtle

9. Fold the mountain in a blue line.
Kusudama little turtle

10. Fold the valley in half. Repeat at the back.
Kusudama little turtle

11. Fold the valley along the red line, repeat from the opposite side at the back.
Kusudama little turtle

12. Make folds from step 12 above the other two ends of the module, but, unlike the previous step, bend them back.
Kusudama little turtle

13. Expand the center fold, but not completely.
Kusudama little turtle

14. The module is ready. Add another 29.
Kusudama little turtle

15. Two connected modules. The end of one enters the other.
Kusudama little turtle

16. Three connected modules.
Kusudama little turtle

17. Five modules.
Kusudama little turtle

18. Ten modules.
Kusudama little turtle

19. Continue to assemble the kusudama.
Kusudama little turtle

20. The closer you are to the end of the assembly, the more carefully your actions should be.
Kusudama little turtle

21. The last module.
Kusudama little turtle

22. Kusudama is ready.
Kusudama little turtle

If you wish, you can rebuild Kusudama by first turning each module in the other direction. Then the kusudama will look more abstract, as in the picture.
Kusudama little turtle
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