DIY do it yourself
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» » »Candied Melon
What to chew? Personally, I hear this question every day, and more than once. Although, most likely, for most mothers, he has become familiar. Sweets cooked at home can not be compared with store sweets, but sometimes it’s not enough time, then the products will come out more expensive, but candied fruits are worth it for you to cook them yourself. Moreover, you can make them from any fruit, such as melon. Be sure to try it. In winter, it will be a real delicacy. For 1 kg of melon you will need a kilogram of sugar and 2 cups of water. Cooking syrup. Sugar is mixed with water, cook over very low heat until it is completely dissolved. Do not be distracted so that the syrup does not burn, it must be constantly mixed. When the syrup is ready, you can lower the melon pieces into it. It must first be cut into slices.
Candied Melon

Peel and make even slices.
Candied Melon

Slices in hot syrup, simmer for 5-7 minutes. Take a break for 7-10 hours, boil again and so on three times. Mix gently so as not to damage the shape of the slices.
Candied Melon

After the third time, put the whole mass in a colander to stack the syrup, put the candied fruits on a baking sheet, dry for 10-15 minutes in a preheated oven.
Candied Melon

Candied Melon

When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Candied Melon

Candied Melon

Candied Melon

If you want to prepare for the winter, put the melon slices in a clean, dry jar and immediately seal it tightly.
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