DIY do it yourself
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» » » »Elk from Smeshariki
A toy in the form of a well-known character from the animated series "Smeshariki", which is loved by many children, can be made with your own hands from materials available at home, or bought. It can be sewn, for example, from viscose fabric of yellow or orange color, make him horns from brown fabric, and his nose from pink. The resulting toy will appeal to children and become a good decoration for the home.
So the toy Losyash turned out for me:
Salmon from Smeshariki

The manufacturing process took me about two weeks (twelve days).

The process of making crafts.

Step 1. Getting started, I make a sample on paper:
Salmon from Smeshariki

I cut out the resulting image and divide it into separate parts:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 2. Next, I take the orange fabric and fold it in half, so that the parts are cut from it in pairs and accurately. After that, I pin the paper parts of the sample to a suitable color fabric and cut out the details taking into account the allowance (from 0.5 cm.):
Salmon from Smeshariki

Now I stitch the resulting parts around the edges, leaving each one with a small, non-stitched section in order to turn them out of the wrong then:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 3. After that, having turned out the sewn parts of paws, legs and ears from the inside, I fill them with cotton:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 4. Filling the details of the ears, paws and legs with cotton, I sew up their holes and set about making eyes, nose and smile (mouth).
The first thing I do is eyes. Details for their manufacture can be made of cardboard, painted with varnish:
Salmon from Smeshariki

I attach the details of the pupils from above to the white details of the eyes, and to the upper edges of the eyes I additionally attach details of the eyelids cut from the fabric. So eyes crafts will look better:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 5. Now I set about making the nose.
From a paper sample cut in two, I cut out my nose and glue it in two parts.
Of all the fabric that I have at home, only pink viscose was the most suitable color for making the nose. The fabric was light brown in color, but it was kapron, and when filled with cotton, it immediately stretched out and became translucent:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Having cut out the details of the nose from pink viscose fabric, I sew them together, leaving small areas unstitched in order to fill the finished parts with cotton.
Having sewed a detail of the nose, I twist it and embroider the black nostrils on the sides:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 6. I fill the resulting part with cotton, after which I set about making eyebrows.
Filling the part with cotton, I cut out eyebrow details in pairs from the brown leather fabric to the size of the paper samples (the details of the eyebrows are small and narrow, and it will be difficult to turn them out from the inside) and sew them on the outside with a stitch seam:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 7. Next, I sew the resulting details of the eyebrows and nose to the craft, and then I glue my eyes:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Now I sew the front and back parts of the body, and sew in the course of work to the craft of the horns and paws. I also decided to sew a smile (mouth) for the toy Losyash:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Now I fill the toy with cotton:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 8. After completing the work, I wanted to make her a tail. I also make it from two parts.
Stitching the details of the tail, I fill them with cotton and sew:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Step 9. Now my craft is almost ready. It remains to sew a chain or ribbon, for which it will be possible to hang a finished toy as a decoration in any of the rooms or the car. I chose the chain:
Salmon from Smeshariki

After the chain with the tail is sewn, the craft can already be ready:
Salmon from Smeshariki

It seems to me that if you make a toy a smile from a red satin ribbon, it will look a little better.
Having cut off the edges of a narrow satin ribbon, I singe them so that the fabric does not crumble. And I sew the resulting tape to the craft, bending it in the middle:
Salmon from Smeshariki

After this little processing, my toy Losyash began to look like this:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Now our toy character from the popular children's animated series is ready:
Salmon from Smeshariki

Sincerely, Vorobyov Dinara.
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