DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
I propose to make a beautiful three-dimensional bow from a satin ribbon. It can be created in any color and decorate the hairstyle for any event and along. If you make such a bow in white or white-blue tone, then it will be possible to decorate your hairstyle by September 1st.
To make a bow you need:
- satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide;
- silicone glue in the gun;
- lighter;
- a basis from felt.
1. First of all, you need to cut the ribbon into pieces 10 cm long. As a result, you get a pretty big bow with a diameter of 12 cm.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

2. Next, take one piece of tape, bend in the middle and make a crease inward by about 3-5 mm.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

We drip a little glue in the middle of the crease and fix it. So you need to do with all segments. If you have small beads, you can stick a bead at the place of bonding.
You can make a blank in another way. To do this, bend the tape in half, bend the ends of the tape in the opposite direction, leaving the same bend of 3-5 mm. 3. Next, the opposite end of the tape must be turned into the middle on both sides, clamped with tweezers and fixed with fire. Do the same with all cuts.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Now it is better to check whether all segments are of the same length, since they were made roughly speaking by eye.
Flower assembly. We take the basis of felt - this should be a circle with a diameter of 3 cm.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow

We begin to glue round the workpiece tightly, starting from the edge of the circle. Since I use two colors of ribbons, I stack them in a circle alternating between one and a second color.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow

Lush purple satin ribbon bow

At the end, you need to glue 3 blanks and stick them in the center of the bank. The bow is ready. It remains only to glue the hair clip fastener - a clip or an elastic band.
Lush purple satin ribbon bow
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