DIY do it yourself
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» » » »Elastic band for hair from felt and beads
Felt is one of the most popular materials for needlework. Especially successfully it turns out various decorations and applications. At the same time, felt can serve as the basis of some needlework, as well as direct material for its manufacture. I make rubber bands for hair and decorate them with beads. I would like to demonstrate the master class of one such little thing in this article.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

I made elastic for my brown hair, so I took the appropriate color scheme - brown and beige felt, brown and gold beads. In the center I have a decoration from a metal button. First, I cut four squares from felt with sides approximately 4x4 and 2.5x2.5 cm.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

Big brown squares are laid aside for now. I trimmed beige squares around the perimeter with beads. I did not sew every bead, but after three. So faster, but nothing bristles. Then I sewed the corners of the beige square to the brown square so that it turned out to be a rhombus.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

Similarly, a second beige square was sewn on top. Only the corners need to be superimposed on the sides of the bottom square.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

I made a hole in the center with nail scissors. In it, I fixed the button leg. The button is metal and has a square shape, so it fits well into my craft. At a large brown square, I cut corners.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

Around the buttons, I begin to sew on the beads - small brown and large gold.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

Then beyond the perimeter of beige squares.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

I have one brown square left. I put it on the bottom of the elastic and cut the corners as well. Since I sewed the beads and sewed felt, the rough seams remained on the back of the elastic. This detail - the brown square - will just hide everything, and at the same time make the product thicker and stronger.
Brown felt is self-adhesive, so I just glue two parts together. But if the felt is simple, then two parts can be sewn with a decorative seam. It will turn out very nice too.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

It remains to sew the gum itself. To do this, I took a simple penny gum brown.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads

And it turned out such a wonderful hair ornament.
Elastic band for hair from felt and beads
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