DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» » » »Postcard" Ladybugs "do it yourself
Go to your child’s birthday, then this workshop will help to make your own very unusual and original present. In addition, such crafts can be done by parents with their children.
To complete the card you need to prepare:
1. Cardboard A4 saturated green;
2. Design cardboard green shade with any pattern;
3. Glue, scissors, a simple pencil, a quilling tool, tweezers;
4. Paper for quilling - red, black, white.
We fold A4 green cardboard in half, gently pressing it on a bend. This will be the basis for the postcard.
You need to cut the number 4 from the designer cardboard. To do this, on the back of the cardboard you need to draw the contours of the numbers “inside out” with a simple pencil, so that when cutting on the colored area, you get the number 4. Then, carefully cut the element and use glue to attach it to the green base.
ladybugs card

We take red quilling paper, connect two strips 40 cm long with glue. We form a tight roll with a quilling tool.
ladybugs card

Smear the edge with glue, fix.
ladybugs card

We give the resulting roll a semicircular shape, gently pressing it with a finger on one side. Thus, the “shell” for the ladybug is obtained. We fix the element, lubricating the inside with glue.
ladybugs card

There should be two elements of a smaller size (of two strips), and three (of three strips) of a larger size.
ladybugs card

We take black quilling paper no more than 15 cm long and use the tool to form a roll.
ladybugs card

We give it a semicircular shape, as in the photo. This will be the head of a ladybug.
ladybugs card

A strip of black quilling paper is cut lengthwise into two equal strips. We measure 2.5 cm and cut into 5 segments, each of which is bent in half, then twist the edges with a quilling tool. Thus, the "antennae" of the ladybug is obtained.
In the same way, we perform the "legs", which are twisted on only one side. There should be 10 such elements.
ladybugs card

Now we glue the body and head of each ladybug with glue. We attach the "antennae" to the ladybugs. It is better to do this with tweezers, since the elements are quite miniature and it will be difficult to do it with your hands.
ladybugs card

Five ladybugs are almost ready.
ladybugs card

Now we attach two of them legs, which should be six for each.
ladybugs card

We cut the white quilling paper lengthwise, cut the pieces 3 cm long. From each segment, we carefully form the rolls with the quilling tool. These will be the eyes of ladybugs. Fasten with glue to the eyes of every ladybug.
ladybugs card

Ladybugs are ready.
ladybugs card

Using glue, we fix the elements obtained on the basis of the card. You can place them randomly at your discretion on the number or area of ​​the very base of the card.
ladybugs card

An original, bright, colorful do-it-yourself postcard is ready!
ladybugs card

ladybugs card
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