DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» » »Biedermeier New Year magnets
On New Year's Eve, when all the culinary delights have been tried and the main toasts and wishes have been said, even the most serious guests are happy to agree to take part in comic contests and quizzes. A reward to the winner or a consolation prize for the loser can be handmade souvenir magnets.
The master class will talk about how to make a mini-composition in the style of Biedermeier. For work it is necessary to prepare:

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

1) glue gun and stationery glue;
2) a piece of color cardboard (5x10 cm);
3) a small magnet (magnetic cards from a children's lotto or alphabet are also suitable);
4) sisal (can be replaced with artificial snow or synthetic winterizer);
5) artificial Christmas tree branch;
6) aromatic spices - star anise, cinnamon;
7) acorns, cones, rosehip berries;
8) any decor in the form of beads, chains, beads, artificial flowers.

First, the base is prepared - colored cardboard. On the reverse side, a magnet or magnetic card from the alphabet is glued to it. Now you can move on to creativity.
Step 1. Sisal or sintepon fibers are randomly attached to the cardboard base using stationery glue.

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

Step 2. Beads are fastened with hot silicone from the glue gun (chain or decorative cord).

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

You can lay out a figure from a bead or leave loose hanging ends.
Step 3. A fir branch, artificial flowers and beads are glued.

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

Step 4. Then, cones, acorns and rosehip berries are attached so that together they make up a miniature bouquet.

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

Step 5. Now you can add spices - cinnamon sticks and star anise, decorated with gold wire.

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

Step 6. The inevitable when creating such a miniature roughness composition (excess glue, the asymmetric arrangement of some elements) are easily hidden with the help of large mother-of-pearl beads.

Biedermeier Christmas magnets

The finished Biedermeier-style magnet can be attached to the refrigerator!

Biedermeier Christmas magnets
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