DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» » » »Festive beautiful card
Going to a celebration, for example, an anniversary, birthday, wedding celebration, in addition to a gift, we often buy a postcard. It is a festive beautiful card that is a successful addition to the main gift. In addition, if you sign it on your own behalf and add sincere wishes from the heart, then it will be considered simply an indispensable addition to the gift.
A handmade postcard carries double value, since the efforts and love of the one who performed it are invested in the product. Therefore, such cards are most valued. Do you want to make a holiday card with your own hands? Then this master class will be the best solution.
1. Cardboard A4 beige;
2. Cardboard design in a flower;
3. Figured puncher (in this work was used in the form of a daisy);
4. Paper for quilling: beige - 12 strips, red - 6 strips;
5. Self-adhesive blue rhinestones - 3 pieces;
6. Foamed double-sided tape;
7. Glue, scissors, quilling tool, tweezers.
We take A4 beige cardboard, from which we need to make a rectangle with dimensions of 15x30 cm. From the resulting part, we make the basis for the card, bending it in half. From the remaining strip of cardboard we make three flowers with a figured hole punch.

beautiful holiday card

From a design cardboard we cut a rectangle measuring 5x15 cm. Using a double-sided foam tape we fasten the part to a beige base.

beautiful holiday card

beautiful holiday card

And quilling paper will make two flowers. To do this, we use beige quilling paper and red. Red stripes are cut in half. We take one beige strip and half red and connect it into one long strip with glue.

beautiful holiday card

Using the quilling tool (you can use a toothpick on which a strip of paper is wound and a roll is formed) we form rolls, then we dissolve them a little in the hand and fix with glue. Such items will need 12 pieces of the same size.

beautiful holiday card

Then we press each element on one side with our fingers, giving the shape of a drop.

beautiful holiday card

We form a flower of six elements with glue and also perform another.

beautiful holiday card

In the center of each flower, glue the daisies that we made with the help of a figured hole punch.

beautiful holiday card

Now we attach blue rhinestones to each flower.

beautiful holiday card

beautiful holiday card

We fix the flowers on the base of the card with glue, as in the photo.

beautiful holiday card

Festive, beautiful and unique DIY card is ready!

beautiful holiday card
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