DIY do it yourself
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Greeting Card Master Class

For this postcard you will need the most affordable and unpretentious materials:
- whatman / thick paper / cardboard
- acrylic paints
- a simple pencil (soft 2M and above)
- brush
- glue
- water tank
- black gel pen
- threads of medium thickness (white iris threads were used here)
- ruler
- scissors.


To begin with, on a sheet of whatman paper we measure a rectangle measuring 15x20 centimeters.

measure the rectangle

Cut it and bend it in half. This will be the basis for our postcard.

bend in half

Then draw a frame on the front side, retreating from the edge by 1.5-2 centimeters.

draw a frame

In the resulting rectangle, draw clouds.

draw clouds

Then we take a simple pencil and gently, in a even tone, shade the sky, until we touch the clouds.

shade the sky

You can hatch it with straight, short lines, you can use the side of the pencil, with small circular movements - as you like.

hatch with straight short lines

Now, fatter around the bottom of each cloud.

circle the bottom

Then, going from the bottom of the cloud to the top, we perform hatching in circular motions, while less and less pressing on the pencil. The result should be a smooth transition from dark to light.

smooth transition

At the same time, you can slightly oppress the part of the sky that borders the light part of the cloud. Thus, we will increase the contrast and make the picture more expressive.

let's make the picture more expressive

The result is such a picture.

such a picture

Move on. Add a little color to the composition.
For a separate piece of cardboard or the remnants of whatman paper, we draw bright and backgrounds with acrylic paints. Why acrylic? Because acrylic paint after drying will not get your hands or objects dirty after touching it, such as gouache paint, but will dry completely, forming a glossy surface.

forming a glossy surface

On a small piece of whatman paper, about 3 by 3 cm with a gel pen, draw a house.

we will draw a house with a gel pen

When the paint dries, cut out a lot of ovals from the painted sheet. You can draw them according to the prepared template, or you can draw them by hand.

cut from a decorated sheet


We proceed to the assembly of all parts into a single whole. Cut a few pieces from a ball of thread. 10-12 segments is enough. And we begin to stick the balls, placing a thread between the ball and the base.

start sticking balls

First of all, glue the balls with threads, and on top of them the remaining without threads.

positioning between the ball

Tie all the ponytails together, glue the house and add a congratulatory inscription or your wish.

Postcard master class

Here you can craft such an interesting postcard on your own, using the most simple and inconspicuous materials.
I wish you creative success!
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