DIY do it yourself
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» » » »Bag for sweets in the form of a bunny
What kind gifts bring children the greatest joy? Of course - toys and sweets! Let's try to combine them in one gift and sew a bag of bunnies for sweets. By the way, it can also be used for packaging Easter treats.

bag for sweets

To make the bag, we need: linen for the outer bag, bright cotton in flower for lining, toy eyes, decorative buttons for decoration, as well as a ribbon or drawstring.

bag for sweets

We print the pattern on a sheet of A4 format in a 1: 1 scale. From linen and cotton we cut out 2 parts of the bag and two parts of the ears.

bag for sweets

bag for sweets

Glue the eyes to one of the linen parts and embroider the bunny's face, to the second we sew a wooden button with the inscription “Hand-made”.

bag for sweets

We take the details of the ears. We put cotton on the linen detail so that the pattern is inside. Along the perimeter of the eye we lay a zig-zag seam.

bag for sweets

We twist the ears, iron and, stepping back from the fold line of 2 millimeters, we lay a straight line along the perimeter.

bag for sweets

We take a linen piece with a button and tailor pins, we pin ears to it with the pattern up.

bag for sweets

From above, we cover the part with the cotton part of the pocket with the wrong side down. At the base of the bag, we lay a straight line.

bag for sweets

We do the same with the second part of the bag. The result should be such blanks.

bag for sweets

5 cm to each side of the fold line, bend the fabric inward and fix it with a straight line.

bag for sweets

We make out the edges of each part. Fold both parts with the sides inward. We make sure that the cotton details are combined with the cotton ones, and the linen ones - with the linen ones. We fix the blanks with pins.

bag for sweets

On two long and one short side, we lay a straight seam. We leave only the base of the cotton parts open. We turn the bag through an open hole, which is then closed with a hidden seam. We insert the lining in the bag and, departing from the edge 1-1.5 cm, we lay a straight line along the perimeter, thereby fixing the drawstring.

bag for sweets

bag for sweets

It remains only to put in a ribbon tie and fill the bag with sweets.

bag for sweets

bag for sweets

Posted by: Elena Tregub
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