DIY do it yourself
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» » » »Doll Charm
In the modern world of needlework, there are a lot of diverse areas of manufacturing things, household items, toys, etc. do it yourself. Now it’s fashionable to sew Tild pupae. But, unfortunately, our ancient Slavic beregin dolls were completely unjustly forgotten! They were made not only to decorate the interior, but also as ritual symbols or gifts that had a specific purpose. They were made from various improvised materials: clay, scraps of fabric, straw, etc. Ahead is the women's favorite holiday - March 8th! Commonplace gifts already bored and do not bring joy and pleasant surprise. The donated doll will not only cause admiration for your skill, but also will definitely cause positive emotions, remembered for a long time!

doll amulet

You can make a doll amulet from what you have. It can be ordinary threads for sewing, any yarn, etc. This MK describes the manufacture of a doll from a washcloth. You can buy it at any construction or hardware store.

doll amulet

To work, we need:
  • glue gun;
  • multi-colored satin ribbons of various widths;
  • rags of fabric;
  • matches;
  • scissors;
  • bast brush;
  • spoke;
  • transparent tape;
  • some lace;
  • scissors.

Untie the knots on the brush with the pointed edge of the knitting needle. We do not throw out the resulting ties, they will come in handy later on.

doll amulet

doll amulet

doll amulet

Inside the brush, the bast is squeezed out by the bark of a tree, which is not only poorly fixed, but also very crumbles. Why around the table it becomes garbage constantly. Press the bark with one hand, and secure the transparent tape with the other with your free hand.

doll amulet

doll amulet

After that, we straighten the fibers as shown in the photo to form the future head of our doll.

a doll amulet

We tie the remaining ties two knots above the edge of the cortex, leaving long ends for the eyelet.

a doll amulet

Using the knitting needles, align the fibers.

doll amulet

Separate equal bundles for hands on the sides.

a doll amulet

At 1/3, we tie all the lengths of the bundle with the rest of the bast, first one knot. If you use threads, then two, as the node of them will “slide”.

a doll amulet

We bend in half and put the bundle on the first nodule.

a doll amulet

We are now tying it on two knots and tucking the ends from the bast into the bundle.

a doll amulet

We repeat the same procedure on the other hand. In the end, it should turn out like this.

a doll amulet

Cut the sticking fibers from two sides with scissors.

a doll amulet

We make a loop at the back.

a doll amulet

Cut a piece of 10x10 cm from any fabric.

a doll amulet

We tie it around the doll’s head in any way. And with a glue gun we fix.

a doll amulet

We cut a satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm) into 6 segments of 5 cm length.

a doll amulet

Then, from a tape of a similar color (width 5 cm), we make two identical segments of 10 cm. All 8 segments must be scorched so that the tapes do not “crumble”.

a doll amulet

Alternately, glue the short strips on the "hands" of the doll, begin to glue them from the bottom, overlaying the next on top of the previous one.

a doll amulet

a doll amulet

We glue the resulting shoulders with narrow (width 1.5 cm) satin ribbons of the same color 12 cm long.

a doll amulet

a doll amulet

Then we close the body of the beregini doll with wide ribbons.

a doll amulet

a doll amulet

A flap of fabric with a special beveled cut on one side is processed on an overlock.

a doll amulet

a doll amulet

We collect the edge of the fabric on the needle in one direction, and then, turning the flap over, reassemble in the other direction.

a doll amulet

a doll amulet

Glue the resulting skirt to the bottom edge of the tape.

a doll amulet

After we close the place of gluing with tape (length 25 cm).

a doll amulet

Cut a fragment from the lace ribbon and glue it onto the charm doll.

a doll amulet

doll amulet

doll amulet

The doll amulet is ready! Give for happiness!

doll amulet
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