DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» » » »Pink cat Murzik
All the kids love Stuffed Toys. Kids do not part with them even for a minute, they walk with them, sleep and even eat. For children - this is not just a toy, but the best friend with whom you can have fun and interesting time. A wide range of shops allows you to choose a toy for every taste. But it is more pleasant and interesting to make it with your own hands. You can attract a child to work. The creation process will please him. And also this lesson will help to develop creative abilities and qualities such as hard work and independence. A child can invent his own hero and help you with the sewing process.

Advantages of a DIY toy:
• safety - you know what materials it is made of;
• creativity and uniqueness - the ability to create an individual and original toy (depending on the interests and preferences of the child);
• fast - work will take about 40 minutes;
• easy - even a beginner seamstress can do it;
• cheap - all the necessary materials can be found at home;
We decided to create a fabulous pink cat Murzik. The color was chosen arbitrarily, the one that the child liked and was available.
What will be needed in the work:

pink cat murzik

• fabric of bright pink color about 20-20 cm;
• a small piece of pale pink fabric;
• ribbon;
• threads of black, pink, blue, red;
• needle;
• scissors;
• a piece of chalk;
• 2 blue buttons;
• synthetic winterizer or cotton;
• pattern.
Process of creation
Step 1
First, draw a cat figure on the cardboard. Cut it, transfer it to the fabric. Cut out the shape, considering the seam allowances.

pink cat murzik

pink cat murzik

Step 2
Create the cat’s eyes. Sew buttons (use a blue thread for this). From a piece of pink fabric we make a nose. We embroider black mustache and paws.

pink cat murzik

Step 3
We turn out. Sew the parts with a seam. Leave a small hole for filling.

pink cat murzik

Step 4
Sew on a scarf. Gently attach it on the sides and front.

pink cat murzik

Step 5
We fill the cat with synthetic winterizer or cotton. Sew.

pink cat murzik

The soft toy is ready! The cat turned out to be kind, cheerful and cute. The child will like such an unusual character. And if you add a ribbon, the toy will become a Christmas tree. Children will be delighted with such a Christmas decoration. They will be able to decorate the tree on their own, without fear of breaking or breaking such a toy.

pink cat murzik
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