DIY do it yourself
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In anticipation of the New Year holidays, I propose to knit a cute deer, which you can give to friends or keep as a decor, or just to please your child.

For this we need:
  • yarn of brown, dark brown and white;
  • filler for toys;
  • beads for the eye;
  • a needle with a large eye for connecting parts;
  • Crochet hook;
  • as well as a little red yarn for a scarf.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

  • VP - air loop.
  • St. b / n - single crochet.
  • P - increase.
  • U - decrease.

Let's start manufacturing crafts. Let's start, of course, with the head. Take the hook yarn brown. The head consists of two parts. We knit the first part according to the diagram below:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

The first part is ready. This is connected to the top of a deer’s head.
Now we begin to knit the face of Rudolph. We also take brown threads for work and knit according to the scheme:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Having connected both parts, we fill them with a synthetic winterizer. Now the face is almost ready.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Now you need to connect these parts together. We carefully sew them with a brown thread, we make sure that the filler does not look out. It turns out here is such a head as in the photo.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Then we make the weight by flashing it with thread.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

While the head is laid aside and then we knit the torso. We execute it according to the scheme:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

The second detail of the deer - the torso - is already ready.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Now we knit the front legs. For their manufacture, we use threads of two colors - brown and dark brown. We knit, adhering to the scheme with dark brown threads:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

The two connected legs are filled tightly with a filler and we close all the loops.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

We proceed to knitting the second pair of legs, that is, we do the back. From the first to the third rows we knit, like the front legs, starting with a dark brown color in the following sequence:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fill both legs evenly with padding polyester.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

We knit the smallest detail of the toy - the deer tail. We start with a dark brown thread. From the first to the third rows we knit both the front and rear legs. Then we change the color of the yarn to brown and knit 4 rows of 18 st.b / n for the back wall of the loop. Fifth to seventh row of 18 single crochet. Fill the bound tail and close the loops.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

All major details are related. Now we proceed to the design of the head and knit the ears according to the scheme:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Such double-sided ears came out. They do not need to be filled with sintepon.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

We make horns. They consist of three separate parts. The first part is the base on which the balls will be attached. We work with white threads.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fill with filler for toys, then close the hinges. Then we knit large balls (2 pcs.) In the presented sequence. Having connected, we fill with a synthetic winterizer, close the loops.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

And the last detail is smaller balls. We knit, like the previous large balls, first three rows = 18 columns. Then, from the fourth to the sixth rows = 18 st. B / n. And the seventh row is 1 st. B / n, U repeat 6 times = 12 columns. Ready balls fill, close. Here's what we got:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Now we connect the connected parts, as shown in the photo below and get these horns:

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Now we sew the legs to the body so that the deer is sitting and the tail.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Sew horns, ears and eyes to the head. It turns out such a funny face.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

And the last stage we connect the head with the body. For decoration, we knit a red scarf.

Fawn Rudolph soft toy

Fawn Rudolph soft toy
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