DIY do it yourself
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» » » »New Year's stocking
master class for making New Year

The preparation of such a sock does not require material costs - it can be sewn from any fabric found in every home, and the time spent on needlework will not exceed 1 hour.

Materials to be used:
• Any fabric
• Cardboard
• Glue gun
• Scissors, threads in fabric color
• Pieces of small tinsel
• Pieces of satin ribbons
• Flames and foamed rubber as desired.

On the cardboard we draw the pattern of the alleged stocking and cut it out. We put a paper sock on the fabric, folded exactly in half and hooked with safety pins to fix the pattern and fabric.

Put a paper sock on the fabric

We circle the sock with a marker or pen and cut it out, having previously connected both parts of the fabric with pins. If the outer fabric is thin, then it will not keep its shape, so you need to cut the same lining from a dense material.

cut out

Separately, we sew each stocking and, laying on top of each other, flash it again. We turn the stitched toe onto the front side.

sew each stocking

Now we pass along the piping with a thick white thread - we sew around the perimeter of the stocking.

we wrap around the perimeter of stockings

From a shred of red fabric we harvest a small strip and sew to the top of the sock.

we prepare a small strip

The main work is done, we begin to decorate the product. The threads with which the border is sewn to the sock are hidden with a golden ribbon. We will make a loop, for which in the future it will be possible to hang a sock. We form it from a satin ribbon and glue it with a glue gun to the wrong side of the red border.

Let's make a loop

To make the stocking bright, craft a Christmas tree and decorate it with stars. To do this, cut 3 triangles from a piece of green satin ribbon, singe their edges above the candle. From the foamed rubber (foam) we cut small stars.

decoration for stocking

Glue the Christmas tree and stars to the canvas. If desired, you can make donuts and also attach them to the sock.

decorate stocking

Now we remove small fragments from small tinsel and glue them in a chaotic manner. From foam you can cut stars, hearts of a different color and also decorate the sock.

stocking ready

New Year's stocking is ready! Can put in it present and hang near the Christmas tree. This product can be prepared in any size, any color and format - the main desire and a little bit of imagination.

red stocking

master class for making New Year

master class for making New Year

master class for making New Year
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