DIY do it yourself
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» » »Merry Christmas tree
Everyone’s beloved New Year and Christmas holidays are approaching, and to raise the New Year’s mood, I suggest you make a funny Christmas tree that can decorate the interior of your home or become a nice gift for friends and relatives. After all, these are the most anticipated holidays, which are prepared in advance. And this craft will certainly create a cheerful, festive mood. Before proceeding to its manufacture, we acquire the necessary materials and tools.

For this production of an unusual Christmas tree, we need:
  • wool for felting of different colors - green, white, red, a little black for felting Christmas trees and for making Christmas tree decorations;
  • felting needles No. 38, No. 40;
  • centipon.

we will need

So, let's start felting from the fur of a merry Christmas tree. To begin with, we will make a cone from a centipon and dump it with a No. 38 needle so that it becomes dense enough.

let's start felting from wool

Then we wrap this cone with green wool. We start wrapping from the top. We try to wrap the cone so that there are no cracks, and the white centipon does not shine through.

wrap with green wool

wrap with green wool

Now we’ll start to roll the needle number 38. As we compact, change the needle to number 40. We will get a dense green cone of wool. Then we form the top from green wool, as in the photo below.

we form from green wool

We continue with the needle number 40 to wallow the top itself so that it becomes dense. Add wool gradually as needed. It turns out a slightly elongated top at the Christmas tree. Then we put a hat on our Christmas tree, wrap a little red wool on the top and roll it again.

make a hat

make a hat

We decorate the cap with a white edge along the edge, that is, a white strip passes between the green part of the Christmas tree and the red cap as shown in the photo.

We decorate the hat with a white edge

Good dumping details. We get such a Christmas tree.

We decorate the hat with a white edge

Having made the Christmas tree itself, put it aside and proceed to the manufacture of shoes - felt boots. To do this, we form the boots themselves from red wool.

start making shoes

Now we dump them well.

start making shoes

Then we work with green wool. We make two pens from it. We form mittens from red wool. Then we put on knitted gloves mitten. All parts are well dumped to be dense.


We mark on the green cone where our Christmas tree’s face will be and with the help of needle No. 38 we knock out a place for the eyes and mouth. Now with white hair we make eyes with a needle No. 38, with black hair we make a mouth and eyebrows.

Christmas tree face

Now we connect all the details. First of all, we attach felt boots to the Christmas tree, at first just with a vertical needle No. 38, we all roll well. Then we make the edge of the white hair and also roll the needle number 38.



We attach pens to the Christmas tree.

Merry Lochka

Now the merry Christmas tree is completely ready. If desired, you can still bend with a needle even at the site of the elbows. Decorate our Christmas tree with toys. Decorating a Christmas tree depends on your imagination, I came up with to complement it with toys, as in the photo, and you can make it to your taste.

Merry Lochka

That's all. Merry Christmas tree with New Year's toys - ready!

Merry Lochka
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Comments (1)
  1. Natalia Ogarkova
    #1 Natalia Ogarkova Guests August 21, 2017 21:18
    Thank you for such a simple and convenient way to create an atmosphere for the New Year holiday. great idea!!

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