DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» » » »Christmas box
Necessary materials:
- Whatman or cardboard,
- Colored paper,
- Satin ribbons,
- Stationery knife,
- scissors,
- glue,
- Pencil
- Ruler,
- White gouache (acrylic),
- Thin brush
- Lighter,
- All kinds of Christmas decorations
- A sheet of white paper,
- Puncher (if any).

need to work

Let's get started. First of all, of course, we will make the “frame” of the box itself. To do this, you need a Whatman paper, a pencil and a ruler. It is necessary to draw a drawing paper in the same way as in the photo below. All sizes are indicated. The middle part consists of four squares 10x10 cm high and three squares wide.

draw whatman

When the main parts are cut out, we proceed to the next step - we glue the inside of the box with colored paper. It is better to choose paper in dark colors. We leave the right square (in the photo) not glued, since another part will be glued to it.

paste over with colored paper

Now we cut out a snowflake from a white sheet of paper. We need only half of it.

cut out a snowflake

Gouache, we draw any pattern on New Year's theme: snowflakes, deers, Christmas trees, Christmas toys, gifts and etc.

draw any pattern

When the pattern is finished, glue part of the snowflake.

glue part of the snowflake

glue part of the snowflake

Next, we proceed to the decoration of the outer part. Take a sheet of colored paper and cut four squares of 9.5x9.5 cm from it.

cut out four squares

draw a square of white paper

Now draw a square of white paper (approximately 12x12 cm) into four equal parts, on one of them we will draw a snowflake. Putting all the pieces together, we cut out four snowflakes - they will decorate the outer part of the box. Using scissors, you can round the edges of snowflakes. But do not rush to stick them, because they will interfere with further work.

draw a square of white paper

draw a square of white paper

Next, go to the departments that will be located inside the box. Cut them bend. Tip: to bend the Whatman paper more easily and evenly, you can gently draw a clerical knife along the bend line.

go to the departments

glue all parts together

Before gluing all the parts together, it is necessary to pierce the lower section and the bottom of the box, as in the photo below.

glue all parts together

When all of the above is done, you can glue all the parts together.

stick snowflakes

Now you can stick the snowflakes on the outside of the box and decorate them.

stick snowflakes

Still need to punch the lapels of the box.

glue all parts together

And connect with tape.

punch lapel boxes

Another hole on the box lid, thread the tape and - done!

Christmas box

It remains only to fill the box with sweets or small gifts and hand it to the person for whom they were intended.
Good luck to you!
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