DIY do it yourself
Master classes, instructions, useful tips, recipes.
» »Tack" Apple "
Today, jeans have become an integral part of the wardrobe of a man, a woman, and a child. Almost every season, new ones are bought. And what to do from the old? It turns out they can be put on the oven mitts - a necessary accessory in every kitchen.
To sew a tack in the form of an apple you will need:
- trouser-leg from old jeans;
- a small flap of colored fabric (preferably cotton);
- insulation, for example, synthetic winterizer.

Draw an apple shape on a piece of paper. The size of the template is optional, such that it would be convenient to use the future tack. Place the template on the leg of jeans and cut the desired piece. You will need two cuts of the same size.

apple pattern

Iron the cut part well with steam.


Using a marker or a simple pencil, draw the contours of the apple on the front of the flap.

Tack Apple

Place the flap with the translated lines on the synthetic winterizer, pin with pins and sew strictly along the line. To sew a tack, it is better to adjust a seam 2-2.5 mm long in a sewing machine. A line of this length is optimal for high-quality eversion of the product.

Tack Apple

Tack Apple

Fold the resulting sandwich in half and make a cut in the middle. Approximately its length will be 5 cm.

Tack Apple

Tack Apple

Cut a strip 7 cm long and 3 cm wide. Fold it and stitch it - this will be the tail of the apple.

Tack Apple

Put another rag of jeans on the sandwich with the slit face to face. Use pins to fasten all three components of the new sandwich. Attach the apple's tail with a pin to the inside of the two jeans.

Tack Apple

Lay the line again on the typewriter, guided by the line from the side of the padding polyester. Do not rush, try to get line by line!

Tack Apple

Use zig-zag scissors to cut off excess fabric and insulation. If you don’t have such scissors, then cut off all the excess with ordinary scissors at a distance of about a half centimeter from the stitch, and in the places of rounding make notches, not reaching the stitch by a couple of millimeters. As a result, we have such a detail. View from two sides.

Tack Apple

Tack Apple

Turn the bullseye through the cut.

Tack Apple

Using a ruler, align all the seams. To do this, slide the ruler through the cut into the inside of the apple, and with a corner, squeeze the line out. But do not overdo it, so as not to break the thread!
We iron the resulting workpiece with steam on both sides.

Tack Apple

From the x / o cut, we cut out another apple detail, only about 1 cm less than the main one. To do this, you can draw a smaller template on a piece of paper, or you can reduce it directly on the fabric. To do this, translate the original size, and then draw a smaller one there.

Tack Apple

We place the cotton blank on the main one.

Tack Apple

With the help of an iron and glue web, we glue two blanks.

Tack Apple

We lay an applique seam or a small zigzag along the edge of the cotton blank (set the stitch length to 1 and the width to 3).

Tack Apple

Iron again. The tack is ready!

Tack Apple
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