DIY do it yourself
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» »Wooden children's toy" Chickens "
One of the toys that our grandfathers played in childhood is a woodwork, in which two figures bend alternately to the center: first one, then the second and again. It can be figures of girls “picking berries in a clearing”, and “pecking grain” chickens, and, of course, a lumberjack with a bear. It is simple to make such a toy, for this special carpentry knowledge is not needed.

For crafts "Chickens" measuring 200 x 100 mm. You will need the following material:
1) a piece of three-layer plywood measuring 150 x 150 mm .;
2) a wooden rail 400 mm long. and a cross section of 102 mm x 102 mm .;
3) 6 nails 15 mm long.
Of the tools you will need: a ruler, an electric jigsaw or a hacksaw, a drill with a drill with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 mm., A small hammer, sandpaper with fine dusting.

toy pattern

bird stencils

We will make all the blanks, as in the photo. To do this, we use a special stencil and use a jigsaw to cut out two figures of birds from plywood and a rectangle measuring 400 x 250 mm. Slices carefully process sandpaper, rounding off the edges. We divide the rail into two equal parts, we also process the slices.

sawing in two

In each “leg” of the chicken figure we will make 2 symmetrical holes with a drill at a distance of 150 mm. apart from each other.

we drill holes

We make two of the same holes on a rectangular plate, necessary so that it does not crack when the nails enter. All blanks are completed. Now you need to assemble the toy.

bird stencils

Having measured the center of one of the rails, we attach to it with nails a “little table for grain”.


Then, symmetrically placing the "beaks" on the rectangle in the center, we connect the birds to the top rail. It is important to observe absolute symmetry.


Combining both slats, we will hammer one more nail, this time - connecting the left bird and the lower lath. Move the rail to the right by 15 mm., While the bird on the left "tilts back."

the toy is ready

As well as the first, we connect the second bird with the lower rail. Move the stick back - the chicken on the right “moves away”, while its neighbor strikes the “table”. Our toy is ready!

chickens toys

The craft can be left as it is now: in any case, the child will be interested in how she works. But if you color the toy, it will be even more fun. You can offer the owner of the wooden crafts to do it yourself using safe paints and varnish.

baby toys Chickens

Having checked the reliability of all the fixtures, the toy can be given even to the smallest children, who will be attracted by the amazing knock and movement of the figures. A toy made in the form of a lumberjack and a bear can be presented to an adult as an object of old games, which can be placed on a mantelpiece.
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Comments (1)
  1. vavilonovich
    #1 vavilonovich Guests August 9, 2017 11:51 p.m.
    Interesting craft. Since it’s now a vacation, I decided to make the wagon time. I got a little amused and gave it to my younger cousin.He liked it so much that for about two days he didn’t let her go

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