DIY do it yourself
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» » »Bracelet made of tubes
Little girls also want to be beautiful. They secretly climb into their mother’s casket and turn into small women. But it is better when they have their own treasures. Let them not be precious, a little primitive, made from improvised materials, but made independently or with my mother’s help.

To make a bracelet we need:
• system (dropper);
• scissors;
• threads of two colors (beige and pale blue are used in this work);
• gypsy needle.

For making a bracelet

Stages of the creative process of making a bracelet for a little girl:
1. We cut the system into fragments of 1.5 cm (the length of the parts can be changed at will). There should be approximately 40 pieces. The amount depends on the girth of the hand.

cut into fragments

2. Next, we string all the details on a thread. If the thread is too thin, it can be folded in half. The tubule must be filled.

string all the details

3. Now we take a thread of a different color and thread into the part towards the end of the beige thread.

thread into detail

4. Put the fragments together and pull the thread in a zigzag through all the parts in turn.

Add fragments

5. Slowly we stretch a thread of a different color through the parts, in the process we tighten so that the fragments lie evenly.

Slowly stretch the thread

6. So we move until all the tubes strung on a beige thread end. Do not forget to try on. The bracelet should not hang out. But you should also consider that it is stretched.

until you run out

7. When all the parts are strung, cut off the excess thread and tie knots tightly. To make the product look more aesthetically pleasing, the ends can be pulled through the tubes, thus hiding them.

cut off the excess thread

8. The bracelet for the little girl is ready.

Tube bracelet

9. And so our product looks on the hand.

a bracelet

The bracelet can also be made of threads of the same color and decorate it with beads in tone or multi-colored. The end result depends on your and children's imagination. Do not be afraid to create and experiment.
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