DIY do it yourself
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» » »Christmas boot
Ideas to make toys for decorating a Christmas tree come completely unexpectedly. So it happened this time. Seeing the empty packaging from under children's socks, I wondered how they looked like boots hanging by the fireplace. And so a persistent desire was formed to make a Christmas boot out of plastic. Time to create this crafts minimum spent. And the result will hang on the green Christmas tree, and will delight all New Year holidays with its presence.

1. For the manufacture of the boot were used:

• Plastic packaging for socks.
• Paints.
• Brush.
• Glue.
• Scissors.
• Pencil.
• Tape.
• Tinsel.


2. Scissors cut out the plastic part of the sock. We circle the cardboard base on it and cut it out. With a cardboard base, you need to be more careful, and in no case cut it smaller than a plastic boot.

cut out a piece of sock

3. We draw bright red snowflakes both on plastic and on a cardboard basis.

We draw bright red snowflakes

4. White dots draw dots in arbitrary places and paint over the upper part of the boot. We are waiting for the paint to dry well and continue to work.

draw dots

5. In the center of the paper base we put tinsel.

put tinsel

6. Apply glue along the contour of the paper boot. Glue the plastic part on top.

Apply glue along the contour

7. Unfortunately, in some places the tinsel still got out. We cut it with scissors.

Cut it with scissors

8. On the back side, glue a loop on the cardboard so that you can hang the Christmas boot.

glue the loop

9. A bright Christmas tree toy is ready.

Christmas boot
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